What's so good about moody's


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16 May 2001
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Re: Buy a Swedish boat...

Steve , not all Swedish boats are fitted out with mahogany. I looked at HR , Naiad etc and I know it's a personal thing but I'm not a fan of mahogany either. I ended up buying a Swedish boat that's fitted out in teak. Have a look at the Maxi web site.


Re: Buy a Swedish boat...

i think petergibbs made some very relevant points. how real are these quality differences, and how much are they a matter of image rather than substance. do you really need them, given that its always the crew that fail first.

my own work experience makes me very confident that the products of a high volume well equipped mass production factory like bavaria will always be better than that of a low volume plant dependant on operator skill - even when using conscientious swedish or german employees. so my suspicion would be that bavaria have the better hulls but a lighter and less expensive fit out. moody somewhere in the middle.

however, if you have the level of national loyalty seen in this series of posts, how long before moody go the way of westerley et al? if we dont buy our own products, can we expect anyone else to do so? and you want the maker to be around for spares in a few years time.


Re: Buy a Swedish boat...

Marine Projects, can't remember their new name, but they build Moody's & Princesses. Volume about 800 boats per year in a modern facility. ? do Moodys know how to market themselves, well yes always a strong demand for the boats. ? Do they listen to their customers and have good after sales service , yes on both counts. A recent vistor to my marina had a three year old Bav, approached me to talk about my Moody. Quality of fittings etc etc he is negotiating with Moodys because his Bav is aging fast!!!!!but the residual on his Bav is not as he expected...

Northshore have a full order book, it may be fashionable to knock British builders but you do get what you pay for.



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16 May 2001
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Re: British Boats

Both Peter's and Charles' posts are spot on as to how BenJenBav have got where they are and Westerly etc., er didn't. I've used the motor manufacture industry ananlogy for years. However when I bought a new Ben 4 years ago, they (the group) had a reported 51% of the world market. Since then Bavaria have had a phenominal growth and clearly given Beneteau/Jenneau something to think about. I've noticed (at shows) that both marques appear to be trying to bring production costs down substantially, therefore fighting each other on price. Ok, all production companies need to do this on a continual basis but not where (reportedly) cabin sole boarding is a composite and curl up at the edges. (Mine is marine ply at four years old). Seen this also in other parts of interior fitting - chart tables etc. Am I right in saying that Moody's still use solid Teak or other in their interiors? My Ben, which true, has superb production engineering, has a Cherry varnish which marks very easily. So, these things don't relate to sea worthyness but are an indication of "value for money" boats I think.

The difference between a Moody 36 and my Ben 36CC was 35K plus some instrumentation. That 35 K decided me at the time. Now I guess we are looking at 90K plays 75K realistically. I'm probably still ahead but don't know about 5 years time?

Maybe Sunseeker and Fairline ought to be persuaded to make sailing yachts?


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6 Jun 2002
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Re: boat comparisons - are they for real?

One of the most sensible comments I've read on The British v The Swedes V The French. I have owned a Moody 31 and a Westerly Regatta 330 (tarted up Storm). Enjoyed them both. Moved to a Beneteau 411 in 1997 because I couldn't justify the premium for a Moody 38 or a Westerly Oceanranger neither of which were an intrinsically better boat. How has my Beneteau performed over the past five years Exceptionally well. Only two minor niggles at the start - both of them caused by British kit - otherwise she is still in mint condition and receives lots of admiring comments despite very regular, almost year round usage.
