I understood that keying the surface was only needed every few years.
I have very low cost scrubbing facilities close to my mooring complete with pressure washer, power etc. Jetting followed by a rub can be done in one tide, and anodes etc don't take a trice.
Hauling, hardstanding and relaunch is easily £500 each year, plus £100 of antifouling, plus more time scraping flaking paint, priming, then two coats of antifoul.
In strict financial terms it should pay for itself fairly quickly, plus fewer 2.5hr round trips for each of haul, relaunch etc - AND I'll not miss any fine sailing weekends!
I would not AF a dinghy - what size of yacht needs Stg100, and that is 2 coats!! to antifoul it?
Jonathan, very puzzled?