What if Everyone Wore a Mask?


Well-known member
31 Dec 2007
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The problem I think with many masks I have seen is that they appear quite cheap and I suspect they are re-used many times by the owner. That means taking it off with hands and replacing it the same way. Also means putting the mask down some where, repeat this operation many times and it is certainly possible the virus will be on the inside of the mask next to your mouth


Well-known member
8 Aug 2013
SW Scotland
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Not true. A good N100 or P3 respirator stops virtually all coronavirus sized particles. Better than 99.99% filtration.
I was talking about the disposable masks of which Japan gets through about a billion a year. There is no evidence they do anything to cut down the spread of diseases there.


Well-known member
8 Aug 2013
SW Scotland
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I've been around town today for the first in a fortnight (to collect items from the pharmacy).
There were noticeably fewer people about and quite good adherence to the 2m rule although some hadn't modified their behaviour at all.
I've just been to the Co-Op. Not many people, all dancing round each other. Limited choices of almost everthing available, except tinned tomatoes and kidney beans. I even bought a packet of Andrex, with the sort of hushed reverence with which my parents used to talk of the first post-war bananas.


Well-known member
7 Feb 2014
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I was talking about the disposable masks of which Japan gets through about a billion a year. There is no evidence they do anything to cut down the spread of diseases there.
There is actually plenty of evidence that even crappy surgical masks do good. I wasn’t talking about their use in normal times, but where disease is all around. In hospitals, in an epidemic. That said, if everyone used better masks much more good would be done. If everyone used the best type and used them in a safe way then combined with hand washing the risk of disease spread would almost be eliminated.


25 Jan 2010
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It might work better if you put a canister on that antique (and by the way last millennium the term was NBC, these days it's CBRN).
That antique is still current in a number of countries mate.............
And I do use it with an in date cannister.........
I do wonder why the F*** I bother replying on these forums......


Active member
21 Dec 2014
In the Mud, Conyer
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Paper masks aren't to protect you but to protect others from you. They prevent droplets from your breath infecting others. In that way they will provide some benefit in stopping the spread of this virus.

Paper masks actually clog up with moisture within minutes and then cannot filter anything. As has been said you may infect your hands when you take them off. Paper masks are cheap about £5 for 100 whereas a pp3 mask will cost £1.5 each making there continuous use uneconomic. There is also the question of how long they really last.

I have visited this problem in my own work where we produce an aerosol of nail dust, bacteria and fungus. The large particles fall to the ground or are filtered out in out nostrils. The fine pollen sized particle can remain suspended in the air long after you have removed your mask. You then breath them in, and as they are small, they go down into the alveoli. The dental aerosol is worse, saliva, blood, bone and bacteria.

Would it help with the spread of the virus if we all wore masks? Without a doubt by reducing the risk of droplet infection.


Well-known member
28 Jul 2003
West Australia
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What intrigues me when I see people wearing masks on TV is that so many wear those masks made for dust inhalation prevention. They have that little non return valve in the mask (a black lump) which makes your exhaled air pass out easily not through the filter. So you might protect yourself from particles being inhaled (and even that might not be very useful but your exhaled moisture laden breath by passes the filter. So just plain mask is best or have I got it all wrong? ol'will

Homer J

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19 Jun 2017
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one of the main problems we have as a community is problem is that people are posting unqualified information. There shouldn’t be speculation there should be adherence to the guidelines.
I’m sure that some of what is posted here is true but unless we Can back it up with reference to the current government guidelines we should not post our ‘opinions’.


Well-known member
17 Dec 2010
South Oxon and Littlehampton.
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Part of my Motorcycle Racing kit was a leather facemask made by Lewis Leathers.

At high speed it stopped the insects, stones and raindrops smashing into my face, which could be very painful.

I also used a large red and white spotted scarf knotted like a cowboy bandit when on the Speedway Track, to stop the flying shale from the back wheels of the other riders smashing into my soft skin.

At 100 MPH on the sand track's in Germany or Czech, it was even more painful - some riders having really substantial leather shields made for protection. If you were behind, your upper thighs looked as if you had been shot with shotgun pellets!

Then the Bell Star full face helmets came out - phew! - what a relief.

But, alas, no good for stopping virus's.


Well-known member
13 Mar 2017
None of your nosey business
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Not true. A good N100 or P3 respirator stops virtually all coronavirus sized particles. Better than 99.99% filtration.
That statement is fake until proven otherwise in the form of a supporting link. "The evidence says" is not a supporting link.
Please provide one - thanks.
Any content, information, or advice found on social media platforms and the wider Internet, including forums such as YBW, should NOT be acted upon unless checked against a reliable, authoritative source, and re-checked, particularly where personal health is at stake. Seek professional advice/confirmation before acting on such at all times.

Users who are found to post FAKE NEWS on the forum in regard to this issue, intentional or otherwise, may find their access terminated. It is your responsibility to provide references to bona fide sources.


Well-known member
7 Feb 2014
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That statement is fake until proven otherwise in the form of a supporting link. "The evidence says" is not a supporting link.
Please provide one - thanks.
I did. If you were paying attention instead of mouthing off pompously you will see the links in my previous posts, now please go and read them and tell me I am wrong. I’d love to hear you anyone disprove my statements.


Well-known member
13 Mar 2017
None of your nosey business
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I did. If you were paying attention instead of mouthing off pompously you will see the links in my previous posts, now please go and read them and tell me I am wrong. I’d love to hear you anyone disprove my statements.
You have chosen not to support your statement with an accompanying link in the post. It is up to you to prove it correct by providing a link.
If you think that pompous too bad.