Yes, I’m inclined to think it will be fine. As say, the remotes for the (Sidepower) thrusters are cheap. I’m debating one of those wireless deadman’s handles to kill the engine as well, both from its intended use if I fall off but also if it’s trying to run away and I’m on the bank or lock.Excuse the thread drift.
I have a friend with a 60ft Dutch barge. He has remotes on his bow and stern thrusters and his party piece is to stand on the bank, untie the ropes , move the boat mid stream, turn it around and bring it back in. He can do this even when there’s a knot or two of stream running.
As the bits to remote control your thrusters are cheap as chips on eBay I’d suggest trying that first. Dockmate and its alternative are expensive and you may find you can manage perfectly well without it.