Weymouth Trip Realtime Update


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19 Dec 2001
St Neots
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Big news of the trip so far has been a major stramash in Lymington. Last night sev eral boats including Parahandy, BigNick & Col rafted up together at town quay. Much whisky was consumed and after a sing song involving a banjo,mouthorgan and accordian,the motley crew started lusting after some action. They decided to hit Lymington's fleshpots. Parahandy gatecrashed a private party and was ejected by boot and fist after peeing in Great Grandma's ashes after mistaking the urn for a commode, Col had found a petrol station and was dancing a tango with the high octane pump, the police were called and despite rescue attempts by BigNick is now languishing in a high security mental dependency unit. BigNick has washed himself down, and managed to pacify the busload of french tourists he took on in the mistaken belief they were police reinforcements. The real police ,of course, were miles away on deserted country roads trying to catch solitary motorists to reach their conviction tally. TCM has been contacted and is posting Col's bail money whilst JFM is getting him off on a technicality .. apparently it was'nt a petrol pump at all it was a diesel one and the loose screw refers to his propensity for losing props rather than mental state .. allegedly .. Mrs Parahandy said "At least I managed to get some sleep for a few hours until the buggers returned!" A spokesman for Sunsail said "Well these things happen, nowt to do with us. Erm .oh ..um.. actually it nothing at all to do with us , these guys ain't never even been on a Sunsail holiday." Berthon's is trying to claim a percentage of the damages and states that its contract gives it repair rights.

To be continued

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3 Jan 2004
cked up for Aggrivated Arson
Bah, Humbug...

Deeply jealous. I'm currently watching my boat on the marina webcam, bobbing gently about whilst people come and go, whilst sitting below ground in a dark air-conditioned studio, wondering what the weather is like twelve feet above my head.

Roll on next weekend, when at least I get to look at my loved one's bottom (and then smear it with nasty antifoul chemicals).

Keep us informed of the progress, chaps, for those of us who have to work over the damned weekend.


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11 Jul 2002
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Sorry we are not with you - still drying out from Cherbourg! Had a good evening sail over to (a nearly deserted) Cowes on Sat night and enjoyed a quiet solent in the light winds today.
When is the next get together?
Cheers Richard

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New member
28 Mar 2002
Rats Richard!

We were in Cowes also Sat night doing in a magnum of champagne SWMBO was presented with. Sorry to have missed you.

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Well-known member
18 Sep 2003
Dorset/ Hampshire. south coast
Come on we all want to hear what happend at Weymouth, like has COL still got 2 propes,[ sorry Col/forums/images/icons/wink.gif] how long did the trip take back for differant vessels, was the food good, and most importantly was the booze and company good.????

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29 Apr 2003
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Can't speak for Col - last time I saw him was still supping on board Mucky Farter.

We left at 0810 on Sunday morning and motored all the way to Yarmouth - next to zero wind, and on the nose at that. SWMBO stayed in bed all the way - nursing wounds from a dramatic dismount onto the Weymouth fuel pontoon. Pleasant night in Yarmouth apart from the wash created by the £1 per trip water taxis, belting around at about 15knots.

Motored 95% of the way from Yarmouth to Hythe today - got a bit sunburnt, caught no fish on new tackle bought earlier in the day, but eventually arrived home all agreeing that it was a great weekend. Pleasant location, pleasant people, and lots of wine on Saturday.

Shame Jimi turned up, but we will let him off as his charming family more than made up for him.

<hr width=100% size=1>I'm average size, Its just that everybody else is short.


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28 Dec 2001
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Sorry we never met up in Weymouth - we were so - so close

Blue Chip left Haslar Friday 1300 for Studland Bay, anchored overnight in a flat calm with just 5 other boats (is this a record?) and left for Weymouth at noon, great spinnaker run for several hours, through St Albans race which was like a millpond and arrived at Weymouth about 1700, located the Scuttlebut raft but as they were 6 out and we couldn't raise the harbourmaster for an alternative decided to go into the marina. Time for a couple of quick ones in Wetherspoons before the bridge opened

Tied up ok then decided while we had plenty of fresh water and hot showers, to unblock the heads which SWMBO with a streaming cold and box of tissues in hand had blocked - small job turns into a major one.

At 7.30 we decided its time to meet up the other scuttlebutters and get fed, so we try to find the name of the pub we are meeting in, found we had thrown out the notes with the rubbish.

No problem I say, there's an internet cafe just up the road still open I will pop in and get the name of the pub off the forum - foiled again some silly *** had removed the forum.

So we spent Saturday night visiting most of the pubs in Weymouth looking for a likely bunch of Scuttlebutters, met lots of likely candidates and drank lots of beer but never found you - dined handsomely though in the chippy by the bridge.

Sunday left at the 10am bridge opening and had a great sail on the tide to Poole where we had pre-booked in at Dolphin Quay marina, pleasantly suprised to find the prices have not increased over last year and it now only seems expensive not outrageously so like when it first opened.

Monday left Poole at 10 and dropped down the harbout on the tide, picking up the first of the flood. Had a lovely sail back to Gosport running out of wind only of Stokes Bay when we motored for the last half hour.

What a great weekend and a really nice start to the season - shame we didn't meet up but we were with you in spirits

Pat & Martin
Blue Chip

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16 May 2001
Home mid Kent - Boat @ Poole
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Why sorry - Col wil lno doubt reappear on here (when he finally sorts things out) and explain his latest prop exploits; and they are good, very very good!
At one point Monday we were rummaging around for just about anything to help but B3's were too far from the A6's he needed so he continued to limp back..................

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10 Nov 2002
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I suspect we tempted fate by not making an offering as we passed over the resting place of a former prop whilst out testing my rib. I trust Col made it back okay? We offered to potter along with him but we couldn't have done much - so he said he was happy to limp along on one engine and call us up if needed.

Good to meet you at Weymouth, Duncan and thanks for the press-stud /forums/images/icons/smile.gif


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29 Apr 2003
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Sorry we didn't find you either Martin - if I had taken the list of boats with me, instead of leaving it on the kitchen table, we could have given you a call.

As it happens, we were in the Ferry Inn, which is just behind the harbour, on the sea front near the mini funfair.

One of the few boats you saw in Studland would have been ParaHandy and family aboard Passing Trade - they mentioned having spent a pleasant night at anchor there too.

Maybe next time.....

<hr width=100% size=1>I'm average size, Its just that everybody else is short.


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14 Oct 2001
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Each force has an equal and opposite reaction??

So, after my dance with the diesel pump ( To you raggies, this is the equivelent of a rain dance, only for diesel) I filled my tank with the stuff.
Bit sneaky this, cos the bloke on the fuel pontoon told HLB he'd run out, and Haydn didn't know the secret fuel producing dance.
Secretly I think he was worried Haydn was on fire and about to take the fuel pontoon with him. Luckily he'd only left the choke out and Mucky Farter was a bit *ahem* Smokie.

I digress.. Now having filled up with the magically produced diesel (The Force)
I set off out of Weymouth and afer cruising along with NigelB for a bit, Rick catches me up and we lean on the thottles.
A few, and I mean a few minutes, suddenly *BANG* Vibrate, vibrate, vibrate.
After killing both engines and lifting the drives I have lost.....................

No, not a prop......................

But a complete prop blade (The opposite force)

Right off at the root!!
Had prop spanners onboard, but spare props at home. Duncan kindly tried to arrange a loan set but pitch was way to far off to work.

Poetic justice I suppose.....Attend a raggie meeting, then have to go home at raggie speed !!/forums/images/icons/laugh.gif Took 6hrs in the end. Oh well.
On the bright side, it was really nice to meet everyone and put faces to names.

I have posted some snaps on B1's site <A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.arweb.co.uk/argallery/colspics> Cols Picture Album


Well-known member
2 Sep 2001
Me - Zumerzet Boat - Wareham
What a sad tale after such a good w/e.
You know what you have to do - invest in a rudder and stick jobby /forums/images/icons/wink.gif

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14 Oct 2001
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You have email!

<hr width=100% size=1><A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.arweb.co.uk/argallery/colspics> Cols Picture Album</A>


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16 May 2001
Home mid Kent - Boat @ Poole
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stud was no problem - and Charlotte say's thanks for letting her play on the playstation.
and Viicky called up to confirm their arrival on the Hamble late Monday, as I was sipping ale in Lymington, so everyone got home (as far as I know)

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Active member
18 Nov 2001
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i have a pic of your boat at studland! couldn't recognise the make but assume it's a westerly ocean 37?

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28 Dec 2001
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Yes it is - Blue Chip has a blue hull & white deck she was the first of only two Ocean 37's Westerly built before they went under and was on the stand at the 2000 LBS, the other 37 went to Turkey.

In Studland we picked up a Banks Arms mooring - its the first time I have ever found one empty but I am always worried about overnighting on other peoples moorings - we put the anchor watch on the gps just in case

Here is a link to a pic someone else took last year http://www.westerly-owners.co.uk/blue_chip_11.jpg on the WOA web site which I run.

I would love to see your photo

Shame we didn't meet up in Studland - we were going ashore to the Banks Arms but realised we hadn't got the dinghy on board yet for this season so we were stuck on board - glad the heater was working because it was cold that night.

We were going to leave early at about 7 to take the last of the ebb tide round St Albans but when I got up it was raining so I went back to bed. Glad I did now because we had a good sail later on


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Well-known member
19 Dec 2001
St Neots
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Nigel, until I met you I thought all raggies were lean mean fighting machines, and all mobos fatty lardy gutbuckets .. but meeting you and Haydn has destroyed these stereotypes ...

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