Well....did anyone find?


21 Aug 2001
South East England
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Try H6 on the Pearl stand. Very impressive piece of kit and could be the shape of things to come. My only critisism was the track ball, mouse button control and the volume of information makes use a little hit and miss but I asume practice will overcome some of this. I would have gone for touch screens. They claim that it's all based on the military spec hardware but I don't remember a war going on on a private boat (except when the gin runs out).

When are boat builders going to give us a control panel that looks like it's been planned before building and not just a throw togerther collection of odd bits and pieces. I know that the choice of eletronics is vast and to owners choice but wouldn't it be nice if the builder was to choose a package then build the panel around it instead of plonking odd bits on a piece of wood effect plastic. IMHO.


What do you mean the sea gull in front's walking !!!