I had some useful weather forecast sites which I lost when my PC "blew up". I know that I should have dumped the addresses. I would welcome information on weather sites for GB. Thanks in advance.
there are numerous aviation sites but they focus on the 2-4 hours ahead and worry about wind speed/direction at varying hieghts, rather than surface conditions for the next couple of days. the US 21st operational weather squadron have a good site that shows surface pressure charts http://ows.public.sembach.af.mil/
finally, log onto www.grib.us and download their free software. If you create a couple of areas (e.g. north atlantic) you can get a 5 day projection of the pressure systems developing. Gives good context to the local predictions and helps your understanding of the short term forecasts
Thanks everyone. A day sail tomorrow across to Piel Island looks OK but a sail upto Whitehaven on Friday looks a bit iffy to a fair weather sailor like me.