Volvo Tamd 73p EDC


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13 May 2004
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Thanks to everyone who gave advice on the Fairline 43ac. Some of you suggested I consider a Princess 440 which seems resonable. However I have heard that the later ones are fitted with TAMD 73ps which are electronically controlled and have given a lot of trouble. Views/info again please.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Re: rings a bell

There was a thread a long while ago about tamd73p trouble. Search archives? Someone I know with a new P43 had a big prob, the EDC shut an engine down to idle out at sea. Do not know if this was a few isolated cases or whether wider prob with 73Ps. They are fitted to so many boats now I'd guess any probs must be fixed, danger zone is praps the late 1999/early 2000 ones??

The bit of EDC software that shuts engine to idle when there's trouble is a bad idea IMHO. I would want to get the software hacked. If say an engine has big lubrication trouble that will result in £££ engine damage unless idling speed maintained, then I would want the EDC to tell me, but the skipper should have the ability to override the EDC. Getting an engine re-built is no big deal, dying on a lee shore is.