Fairweather Sailor
New member
Changed our impeller as part of annual service in April 2022, engineer reported just in time with the impeller. Decided to check the impeller in October - 4 blades missing, tracked them down at the entrance to the heat exchanger, replaced with a new impeller (Volvo part), plenty of glycerine applied.
Boat has not been outside the marina since October, but engine started each week. Decided to check the impeller again yesterday. One blade missing and a second about to shear. Can anyone suggest what the problem might be. Water is been expelled normally through exhaust, we always check on starting the engine. thank you.
Boat has not been outside the marina since October, but engine started each week. Decided to check the impeller again yesterday. One blade missing and a second about to shear. Can anyone suggest what the problem might be. Water is been expelled normally through exhaust, we always check on starting the engine. thank you.