I desperatly require advice re: the correct method of setting up the rigging on a Vivacity 21. Perhaps tension per stay or ammount of slack. Please assist if possiblr,tks. Martin.
I am in the process of retensioning a Vivacity 24 rigging using a tensioning gauge. Will report on process.
LustyD of these forums has a well set up Vivacity 20 so try to track him down; I wouldn't expect anything unusual about it though.
The main thing is to have the shrouds set up so the leeward one is just slightly slack when beating into a strong wind, and remember the forestay takes the major loads; backstays are not usually very tight.
LustyD of these forums has a well set up Vivacity 20 so try to track him down; .
How do you set up a forestay and a backstay with different tensions?