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Active member
5 Mar 2002
Cote d'Azur
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Well what would you know?

Just had a letter in post this am from Compass saying that the NASA DSC radio I ordered last Sunday isn't in stock and won't be in until mid March.!!!!!

By the way they stated on their web site it was in stock when I ordered it and still shows it is instock today!!!

I phoned them this am and they told me it had just been dispatched, I was told it could take up to 6 days to arrive. Should I believe these people. This is a crap way to do business IMO and I'm surprised YBW associate themselves with this bunch of cowboys. Anyone can put an add out offering the cheapest something or other and then when they've got orders for 100 cna go and haggle with the manufacturer, whilst the customer is kept waiting and is out of pocket.

I admit I went for this cos it was the best deal on the market but if you've got to wait a month it kinda makes the deal unattractive.....

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Active member
31 May 2001
Unfortunately for me, I think it will arrive!

As I understand it, and as I previously commented, they did not have stock. However they have now cleared out Nasa of all radios until mid March, so neither I, nor anyone else, can buy any more right now.

Leaves me with two this morning and very unhappy I am! I shall start taking orders for a mid March delivery at the end of the Month.

I suppose whether your radio arrives or not depends on how many orders they got in response to the rock bottom offer, and perhaps you will succeed because complaining may have advanced you in the queue! Who knows?

Of course if you wanted to cancel you could still have a radio in the morning! (Just)

<hr width=100% size=1>John
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