VAT on 3 years absence


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15 Jun 2001
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Germans may be in for a shock if they go away for 3 years!

A shocking news published initially in the German magazine Die Yacht has now been confirmed by the German Ministry of Finance: EU flagged yachts that have been absent from the EU for over three years must pay VAT on the assessed value of the boat on their return. This regulation applies even to boats that had paid VAT already! There is already one case of a German yacht that had to pay VAT twice.

The one exception to this ruling is for boats that have been outside EU waters during the three year period for "commercial reasons", in other words that have been engaged in chartering. In such a case the owner must contact the Ministry of Finance to obtain a waiver.

The best solution for ordinary cruising yachts is to make sure they visit a EU country (including such overseas territories as one of the French Antilles islands) before the expiry of the critical period, and to make sure they obtain proof of their visit. However, one should ensure that such a teritory is indeed regarded as being part of the EU (the Canary islands, for example, are not considered to be part of the EU for Customs reasons).

It is not yet known if this ruling is to be applied by all EU countries, but German flagged boats are definitely warned to take the ruling seriously!

Hugo Tiberg of the Institute of Maritime Law, Stockholm University, responds:

Under the 6th EG VAT Directive, goods may be charged import VAT either if they are reimported within a period which Member States may set between three years and ten years. What EC countries apply this to yachts I do not know, but neither England nor Sweden do. However, if goods - or a yacht - change hands and are reimported by another than the exporter, VAT is due irrespective of the period of absence. These are rules adopted from the individual States before their accession to EC and are no news.


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19 Feb 2002
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And the EU has just got bigger yet again! - the only good thing is that it is now big enough for Blair to think that someone of his "importance" can take over as the Head Honcho - that is his objective isn't it?? President Tony of Europe......


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30 Sep 2002
Channel Islands
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Re: Yes but

That will do fine - we are all obviously stinking rich so we can easily afford it it. In fact it would simplify the paperwork drastically if we simply had to pay the VAT as an annual levy - no burdensome proof of prior payment, or where you have visited.

Deleted member 478

Re: Yes but

I thought his name was Mr Clown

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16 May 2001
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Actually NO it wasn\'t.....

The new spin is that it was going to be the US of E all along. Michael Hesseltine admitted it in his one man show at the Royal last week (repeat BBC4). ALL the politicians are in on the act. Blair also admitted it at the weekend (all channels) . Funny thing though, I remember being asked to vote in a referendum (1970's) about our possible membership of the "Common Market". Trouble is that our european neighbours don't want a national identity. They want a European one which is clearly evidenced by the huge ring of stars signs dwarfing their tricolour rectangleson modern border signs. The French and the Germans have been having a love-hate affair for centuries and the Belgians & Dutch will just go along with anything they want. After all if we have a union that rivals the USA we will have a "...really powerful voice in the world and can challenge them on any front" - Romano Prodi. Does that mean that the next war will be against the USA? If so I know which side I'm on.

But we have the whip hand at the next referrendum don't we? - Unless the spin makes it seem foolish or even irresponsible or "unpatriotic" to vote NO.

My personal view is that YES, if you have a tariff free trading area that you cannot work it properly with constantly changing exchange rates at the borders but this does NOT mean that you need political and military union as well. The Eastern Carribean states manage well with a common currency whilst retaining their independent nationhoods.

It is said that the US of E will make terrible wars like those we have already suffered twice in this century impossible in the future. Well, I don't remember anyone but ONE PARTICULAR country starting BOTH of them. Now that that country has been "ideologically cleansed" there is surely little danger of such a European war again anyway?

It will end in tears. We will end up as one of the largest net contributors - look at all the posh farms being built in Ireland for example AND the "free" housing AND street lighting being put up by the Eu at YOUR expense in Greece.

Taken for a ride?

You bet!

Steve Cronin


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27 Nov 2002
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Re: Actually NO it wasn\'t.....

"It is said that the US of E will make terrible wars like those we have already suffered twice in this century impossible in the future."

Dunno who had this idea

Probably failed to notice the effects of forcing independant states into federal unions.
e.g. American Civil war
Serbia v Bosnia v anyone else around
Korean war
Vietnam war
Any number of civil wars in Africa

If I wanted to start WW3 I could think of few better way than this ridiculous US of European.
16 May 2001
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I\'ve been shouting in the wilderness....

...about this for years.

Now people are beginning to see sense at last.

Seven years ago I posted that Alastair Campbell was actually the Prime Minister of the UK but got replies like "Who He?" "Never heard of the dude" etc.

Not B'ing M-O-T just suggesting that a lot more of our population need to get themselves informed on what is going on around them. Mind you since I have no idea who's bedding who in any of the soaps (except BA & SH of course) I perhaps shouldn't complain!

Steve Cronin

Have a great Christmas and fair winds in the New Year.


New member
27 Nov 2002
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Re: Federated states going to war

Perhaps you should visit Kashmir, or Chechnia, or Bosnia, or Tamil Nardu, or Indonesia

If you think about N. Ireland even unity of United Kingdom is questionable.

Although not entirely true that 2 democratic states have never gone to war it is undoubtedly a fact that there are far more civil wars than wars between independant democracies.


Merry Xmas & fair winds for New Year


New member
22 Nov 2001
on board or in Austria
Heard this story before. And I was worried as it may affect me some day. But pratically this doésn't seem too likely to happen. Has anybody of you ever been asked to provide proof that you haven't been outside the EU for more than three years upon entering an EU harbor. I certainly haven't. And I have a hard time imagining myself calling the fiscal authorities telling them that I'd like to pay my VAT again after having been outside the EU.
Also if I get back to another EU country tha Germany after these more than three years, a country that wouldn't claim that tax, I'd be back in the EU legally and then what?
In short, I know law mostly doesn't make sense and you can't apply logic to thse things, but the question I'm asking is: who cares?