Wot keeps going wrong???????
However. Found lost papers. First bill of sale says. Sold to X One boat for £1 and other conciderations?? Then loads of stamps and that red ear wax stuff. Then it's sold to the first real owner on Windermere for 75 grand with the words second hand boat on the paper.....
Mucky Farter wos called Grassmere Lady. Do I need to inform the Transexuall authorities of the change /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif
<hr width=100% size=1> Get Yer Flags ear</font color=red>
However. Found lost papers. First bill of sale says. Sold to X One boat for £1 and other conciderations?? Then loads of stamps and that red ear wax stuff. Then it's sold to the first real owner on Windermere for 75 grand with the words second hand boat on the paper.....
Mucky Farter wos called Grassmere Lady. Do I need to inform the Transexuall authorities of the change /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif
<hr width=100% size=1> Get Yer Flags ear</font color=red>