Underwater lights


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16 Oct 2017
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I can only suggest keeping clear of BlueFin lights.

We had 3 installed, which worked for 2 seasons, now they’re down to just a very sorry looking flicker of light. Having tested them, each has failed independently.

Their warranty/customer service is pointless,


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6 Aug 2001
Wherever there are boats
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Most of those of you who have suffered with posting on here since 2009 will know that Lumishore was effectively conceived by this forum. I met my co-founder when he was working for a friend who is a Forum member ( blame TCM for his parties) and JFM has been a staunch supporter since his first 4 lights .. that TH design was a batch of 6 ... one was destroyed in testing and the last one sits proudly on my mantelpiece.

Why are Lumishore products the best? Because the people who design and build them are world class electronics engineers. I could wax lyrical for hours on their technical achievements not only in lighting but also in control and communication systems, 8 Queen/Kings Awards for innovation and export cant be all bad.

Yes, I've taken the golden shilling and am very proud that Garmin chose to invest, not in what we've done, but in what Lumishore can do under decent leadership as Lumishore looks to address the marine lighting market

Thanks forumites ... there are now 70-ish folks in the UK who have jobs, and it started here.


Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Well done EME - that's been a nice journey for you, and you leave a very admirable business w/70 employees that will continue long into the future. Time for you and C to have a well-earned rest and spend more time boating :)
Random factoid: I just counted up and worked out that I have had or still have 52 of your underwater lights :)


New member
14 Mar 2015
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Well, thanks for all the replies. I do see that (as expected) they are not for everyone.
I’m still torn as to whether to fit some or not but and for the record, I do not look like the example posted earlier(post 21)..😂. it does seem like there is an obvious option to go for if I do.
Thanks all.