Unbelievable 'rescue' numbers


Well-known member
28 Dec 2001
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Re: Read the figures again!

I can't believe that this thread is even running....the more money they have the better.....and as to each call costing 15k........well if it was your child on the airbed and someone was stood shaking his head debating as to wether or not to call the boat out....yeah sure.....get real and get donating.....


Well-known member
7 Jun 2001
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PS: You owe me 1½p.

Thanks to figures posted on this thread I calculate I contribute about one millionth of the RNLI's income. Now, Rallyveteran reckons the average call-out costs £15,000 .... so that's 1½p you and Bernie owe me.

Put it in an RNLI tin. Ta.


Re: PS: You owe me 1½p.

The figures I have on RNLI launches are nowhere near those quoted in the above posts, but then I only have the figures for launches to boaters. I will however contact HQ and ask them to look at this thread as it may well be of interest to them. One thing I would comment on though is that so many posters seem to have a real phobia about so many different things being the "thin end of the wedge" as to compulsory regulation. We've had it with GMDSS, Passage planning, Sea Check Service and many more. It seems to me that any subject (post) can very quickly be turned into a "if we allow this they will want to regulate us" senario.
Of course most launches are from a station to a vessel in trouble, but there are also many launches to recover some poor souls pet thats gone over the cliff, to search for missing persons and what about all the service activity in Yalding High Street last year during the floods and before you all start laughing some poor sod lost his life there,,,drowned.
The RNLI has a worldwide reputation and I for one feel honoured to represent them.


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28 Feb 2002
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There is no offshore SeaTow in the UK

SeaStart only operates 3 miles off shore. The boat was fully insured and had a Spurs rope cutter which is fine for rope but only cut the net around the rope cutter and left a large ball of net around the shaft ( net melted at the cutlass bearing) and prop. We managed to cut some of the net off - but failed overall. It took two commercial divers with Scuba gear about 3/4's of an hour the next day to cut the rest of the net off.

The fact that we were disabled; in water too deep to anchor; and with no wind had nothing to do with delivery schedules. The matter was passed to Solent Coastguard via VHF with a reqest asking if any commercial scuba diver was able to come out and assist. The CG informed us what action they had taken in spite of a discussion on Channel 67. We had no option left after that. The Owner will make an appropriate contribution to the RNLI on his return to the USA.

As you so rightly say, what we needed was a tow. If there was an offshore commercial towing service available in the UK then surely the Coastguard would have put us in touch. Is it because the RNLI operates freely upto 40 miles offshore that there is no such thing as a commercial offshore SeaTow service in the UK?


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28 Feb 2002
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If the Charity Fund Raising Rules were changed ...

It seems odd that a Charity cannot charge for its services where a Charity knocks out the possibility of any commercial competing operation. If the Charity Rules were brought upto date and specific Charities could charge, then the RNLI might ease its fund raising by charging for tows. Perhaps this flies in the face of perceived commercialism for Charities and might even prejudice further the role of the Coastguard Service by reducing its statistics.

I don't know the answers. We didn't want to be rescued nor become another statistic. Had we had a scuba gear and an air compressor aboard we would have been able to clear the net and have continued without having had to inform the Coastguard. But how many sailboats carry scuba gear?

As an aside, the lifeboatman put aboard identified the cut away part of the net stowed aboard as part of an illegal Spanish drift net. What action is the MCA or anyone else taking to try to stop foreign fishermen loosing floating illegal nets?


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8 Feb 2002
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Re: Read the figures again!

A friend of mine who is an accountant, member of RNLI and a yachtsman has also commented on their massive reserves and says they must be one of the richest charities in the UK.

I'd rather be sailing...


Active member
7 Sep 2001
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Re: There is no offshore SeaTow in the UK

MMaybe it's about time there was a commercial seatow service, might be worth considering as a business, especially around the solent, Hmmmmmm........


Re: There is no offshore SeaTow in the UK

Shelley, if your watching, I would think you might like to reply
best regards