Turkey , clearing out


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
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Our time nearly up to leave Turkey , do any one know if there is any where Northern then Canakkale to clear out of Turkey , I have notices that Guemruek has a custom office near the harbour , but I can't find any where it says it a port of entry .
Dikili is a bit too far south and we rather check out nearer to the Greek border .
Thanks guys


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26 Jan 2004
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Was hoping for some thing a lot further North JIm , Ayvalik is a Marina job , I think it some thing like 50 euros bit much just to clear out , plus I sure by now you know how much I hate using marinas .
Off cos there also Dikili but the write up about clearing in or out there don't sound very good , looks like very soon there going to be an update on Dikili , watch this space. :)


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25 Jan 2004
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Cannakale may be your best bet, Vic, although it's a fairly long hop from there to anywhere Greek.
But for the record, we popped into Ayvalik marina to take on fuel on entering Turkey last year. The marina was happy for us to linger there for a while to contact an agent*. He toddled off to do the paperwork, and we later met him near the ferry jetty to collect this. According to friends it's also possible to park on the town quay, although we haven't been there.

* When we arrived the marina had just finished painting every single bollard on the fuel quay bright red. We ended up moored to a big rock and the door handle to the office. I assume this isn't an everyday occurrence.


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
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Hi Mac
We still have a few week left if we want to , AlthoughI we feel it time to move north and see some of Greece we not seen in years ,it's nearly Aug already , our issue is checking out of Turkey so far south , that after Lesvos the next stop is NW 55 plus miles into the wind , unless we take a longer route to peristera some 100 west And with strong NW blowing , it could be a long wild ride which ever route we took .
Our line of thinking at the moment is to try Dikili first , but I understand it could be a drag checking out of there , but at less it another place to explore and see , if that don't work it has to be Auvalik , we check out the town quay and report back if we get that far . Our last option is Cannakale and has you say it a long way back out .
Offcause there are another option we could take to get north but the less said the better .

Just as a note , it was touching 38 c at 0930 this morning , it's going to be an hot one .
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5 Apr 2005
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Hi Vic,

We checked out in Ayvalik, all pretty staightforward and no agent required. Harbourmaster is on the main town quay just N of the marina, passport police and customs about 15min walk N on the ferry port. No need to go in the marina or even on the Town Quay. We anchored in one of the bays round to the S and took the dolmus into town and back but you can also anchor off the marina entrance or just S of the marina.

The officials may ask where the boat is - just say it is in the marina, they don't actually want to go and see it!!!


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
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Hi Vic,

We checked out in Ayvalik, all pretty staightforward and no agent required. Harbourmaster is on the main town quay just N of the marina, passport police and customs about 15min walk N on the ferry port. No need to go in the marina or even on the Town Quay. We anchored in one of the bays round to the S and took the dolmus into town and back but you can also anchor off the marina entrance or just S of the marina.

The officials may ask where the boat is - just say it is in the marina, they don't actually want to go and see it!!!

Thanks for this info , we just off Dikili and was thinking of trying there to morrow but I have a feeling it no longer a port which can be used to clear out , can I ask when was it you used Ayvalik
? Was it this year ? Again thanks


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
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Crispjones , thanks for the info and the Pm , managed to clear out in Ayvalik We Didn't use an agent and anchored out side the Marina ,it all went petty well except for the long walk to the harbour master , unlucky catching him at lunch and having to wait an hour for his return , then another long walk to the ferry port to sort out police and custom , I think on a day like to day when it touching over 40c on land I would had been just as happy to sit on the boat with a cool beer and let someone else don't all for ME , but hey a bit of leg work never hate any one . So it back to Greece for the rest of the summer .