tug love 2


Well-known member
18 Mar 2009
Home=Surrey / Boat=Hamble
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Was for sale earlier in the year for a LOT less than the figure currently being asked!!

really? I thought what they were asking wasn't bad... do you recall just how much less it was being advertised at?

think i would sooner have the winner back..!!

moonraker36... yes indeed often I wish I had never sold that.... such a mistake..:(


Well-known member
27 Dec 2004
Marine Surveyor in Barbados
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She is a very nice wee tug for sure - maybe a bit impractical (unless you need a little tug workboat?) but it would be fun to just go pottering about on her in reasonably sheltered waters.

Here is a link to the design on the Glen-L website - http://glen-l.com/designs/hankinson/titan.html
And here is a chap who is building them in steel, with very fair hulls - http://www.glen-l.com/designs/hankinson/steel-shrink.html

Here is an even smaller version, all of 16' long - http://www.boatdesigns.com/16-Sweet-16-mini-cruiser-tug/products/879/

If you would like a wee tug with a bit more grunt, how about a Bratt?
Here is a link to a thread I posted about them last year - http://www.ybw.com/forums/showthread.php?p=2658657
A bit more difficult though to store one of these on your driveway.......

Here is a 32' displacement tug yacht - http://www.kastenmarine.com/terrier.htm

And here are some semi-displacement tug yachts built in the USA - perhaps a bit like a tug version of Firefly's Hardy?

Ranger Tugs - http://www.chesranger.com/ and http://www.rangertugs.com/r/

A 26' Nordic Tug - http://www.nordictugs.com/models/nt26_intro.aspx
She can reach 14 knots, and will cruise at 8 knots doing 4 mpg.

This Back Cove 26 could almost be an American cousin of your Hardy 26 - http://www.backcoveyachts.com/backcove26/index.php