Travel to Scotland next month


Well-known member
8 Jul 2001
We are still looking into the possibilities of getting home adffordably next month. A couple of questions :

When is England's "traffic light" system coming into operation?

If we enter England from a 'green' country will onward travel to Scotland still be subject to quarantine?

Flights look as though they are starting to resume from 17th May.

- W

Deleted member 36384

Sturgeon stated at last Tuesday's meeting that quarantine can be had in a hotel in England, based on India Travel if you arrive there as first point of entry. However, that is not stated in the formal position as per the link below and it may have been in the context of further relaxing of the reasons to travel. It may be worth listening to her comments, say from the BBC archives or Listen Now on Radio iPlayer.

Coronavirus (COVID-19): international travel and managed isolation (quarantine) -

This is abut India from her speech: -

Coronavirus (COVID-19) update: First Minister's statement – 20 April 2021 -

So from Friday, if you have been in India for essential purposes, and are returning to Scotland, you must now stay in managed accommodation for 10 days and that must be at the place where you first arrive back in the UK - so if you are travelling via London, you must stay in a hotel in London.

Also in her speech she said they are discussing with the UK government a common approach to travel.

We will continue to work with the UK government to try to agree a common approach to international travel in the weeks and months ahead.

It therefore looks like you have to quarantine in Scotland as per the first link after traveling up from wherever you landed if outside Scotland, unless stipulated to be different i.e. India. Crazy!


Well-known member
8 Jul 2001
Sturgeon stated at last Tuesday's meeting that quarantine can be had in a hotel in England, based on India Travel if you arrive there as first point of entry. However, that is not stated in the formal position as per the link below and it may have been in the context of further relaxing of the reasons to travel. It may be worth listening to her comments, say from the BBC archives or Listen Now on Radio iPlayer.

Coronavirus (COVID-19): international travel and managed isolation (quarantine) -

This is abut India from her speech: -

Coronavirus (COVID-19) update: First Minister's statement – 20 April 2021 -

Also in her speech she said they are discussing with the UK government a common approach to travel.

It therefore looks like you have to quarantine in Scotland as per the first link after traveling up from wherever you landed if outside Scotland, unless stipulated to be different i.e. India. Crazy!

OK, this sounds utterly loopy. Is Nicola losing the plot? ScotGov ruling still seems to be if you are staging via England you quarantine at home., not sure what this India stuff is about. I presume Boris wants hotel quarantine, so it is nothing to do with Nicola and she is just trying to sound important. It seems pretty obvious that if you land in England from a country on the English red list you will have to quarantine in a hotel under current rules.

If quarantine is not required in England when we return (i.e. if Portugal is 'greenlit') we might as well just have a holiday in England until it is 10 days since we were in one of them dodgy furrin places. That way we only have to buy one Covid test instead of two and can wander freely.

If the Covid Queen thinks there is any way she is going to bankrupt us by forcing us into a quarantine hotel when we are travelling home from one of the safest places in Europe the daft bint can think again.

- W
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