To paint or not to paint


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15 Sep 2002
Alicante Spain
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The doghouse on my boat is teak. After a few years in the Med sun I got fed up
with scrapping, sanding and re-varnishing,so on "good" advice I went over to
Deks Olje 1 and 2. It looked O.K. to begin with but has not soaked in as it is
said to, I now have a flaking dried oil surface which looks awful.
Questions :-
What is the best way to get the dried oil off, any easy ways other than scrape
and sand?
What is my next move,I have been looking at Epifanes gloss "Woodfinish"
which seems to be one answer. Has anyone any experience of this product?
Should I forget about the "wood" look and just paint it white?
What ever I do I think a cover over the doghouse would be a good move,
any suggestions as to the best material?
A lot of questions- so thanks in advance for your replies.

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23 Dec 2001
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We experienced similar problems and eventually painted the dog house white using TITAN epoxy paint. Mixed at 5 to 1 and not 4 to 1 as per the instructions to give a longer working time it has not been touched for two years and has been uncovered.

Have just given the boat a good cleaning and decided to repaint but it was virtually impossible to see where the new paint started and the old finished.

We have a canvas canopy for the cockpit, and even after just three years this has lost all waterproofing properties despite being sprayed a couple of times with tent water proofing. For longterm protection while away from the boat we now put a cheap tarpulin over the canvas and that works well, and at just 10Euro's a year is a very cheapsolution.


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16 May 2001
Overwinter in Sweden, sail in Northern Baltic, liv
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I've found Deks Olje to be pretty useless and also anothe product Teak Wonder. Both are fine for a week or two but seem to disappear quickly. There was an excellent article in PBO by David Young reviewing a wide variety of teak oil products. The best tested was a domestic product Rustins Teak Oil. I've tried this and it works a lot better than the other two.
David's view of Deks Olje and Teak Wonder parallels my own.
At a general level his advice is that a domestic cheap teak oil seems to be as good as the much more expensive marine products.

<hr width=100% size=1>Roger


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11 Jun 2002
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Hit 'Search' and type in teak and oil, and specify 'all' forums

It will be illuminating on how many opinions there are.

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16 May 2001
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I used Deks Olje last year, having been recommended it ages ago by my brother. It was hopeless, so I shall be having a word to him! I didnt have any flaky residue, however, and no, it didnt sink in. This year I am trying Ronseal's exterior wood stain, gloss finish in Teak colour (B&Q). So far, it has given a super effect, dries quickly, but I think will scuff pretty quickly - but its easy to touch up. And I still have the appearance of wood, rather than paint. I'm thinking of varnishing (Ronseal's better than yacht varnish) over the top of it in well used places, ie the cockpit, and we use the cockpit cover regularly (makes an extra room in cold weather). No, I dont get a commission from Ronseal, and the stain/varnish is waterproof. Looking good so far.

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7 Sep 2001
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Sorry, scrape and sand is probably the best way. Epifanes woddfinish gloss, is an excellent product, which I use extensively in the meddy. Builds up fast and then you can flat it and one final coat, comes up like glass! A cover is a must if you want to keep it looking good, but a coat or two in the season will do fine aswell. Always overcoat varnish in the autunm, before the weather can get into the miriad little scratches and cracks, it will save you hours later. Good luck.

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6 Aug 2002
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Because all this teak looks unattractive in a lot of cases. Have a look around - a bit of white makes everything look better IMHO.

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