Yesterday, I was out sailing and noticing I was'nt getting anywhere fast we put into the nearest port for a rest. We struck up conversation with an elderly sea dog painting an even more elderly boat (Impetigo I think it was called). He very patiently explained to us that this was due to the tiadal effect which I was surprised to learn made water go sideways as well as up and down. He also explained that this sideways motion could be used to generate power through the use of a turbine and stated that in a well known sailing area, the Solent, that one will be placed in the Needles channel . i was surprised and thought it might be a hazard to submarines which have got to go that way as there is a submarine barrier at the other end. The elderly gent had a bad fit of coughing at that point so we thought we'd better leave him alone to get better. So ... what effect will this generator have on the environment and will it cause loads more butterflies to flap their wings in the Amazon rain forest?
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