This forum...............


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16 May 2001
Home mid Kent - Boat @ Poole
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has generously been donated by our hosts /forums/images/graemlins/smile.gif so that those either looking to head off into the blue yonder (relatively speaking) of the Channel from the South Coast can both share advise and look to buddy up with others heading the same way at the same time!

It isn't about arranging a rally

It's what you make it!


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2 Jun 2005
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New cross channel forum?

How about making this forum, or one like it at least, a permanant feature?
Along the lines of the ' Ad Hoc On Water Events' with threads expiring after a couple of weeks maybe, but specific to 'Cross Channel'.
IE Stick a message on if you are planning a trip.
Of course, more useful for those with wireless internet access (balckberrys, smartphones etc), especially for the return.
Idea came to me on Sunday when we were coming back from Jersey and could see a fellow MOBO in the distance.


16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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Dont want to hyjack yer thread Duncan. By the way, what happened, did you all get there ??

But the seas in the west, are much different from the sea in the solent or there abouts. There generally much bigger, with swell, that most folk will not have seen. Swell is of no importance, though can be worrying if not seen it. Big seas are not nececarilly a problem and are mainly far less damaging than the solent chop. Not suggesting folk should go in a 5 or 6. Just explaining that the seas will change and get bigger. But not necesarily worse.

My plans for CI's are, full tank of fuel, get within reasonable striking distance, 80 miles or less. If the weather looks right on the day. Go for it. No time for buddies or others. Not trying to be disparaging. But we all know, or should, what we and the boat are capable off. To me, only you have your time window. Only you can decide, it's not right to go back. The problem with going in company is, you all have different goals.

Ok I'll don my flack jacket and retreat to MOBO!! /forums/images/graemlins/wink.gif


Active member
16 May 2001
Home mid Kent - Boat @ Poole
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no need for flak jackets or ducking - your advice and comments always welcome.

From Poole the run out to Alderney is only 60 odd miles, 50 from the open water once you clear Anvil Point and the shelter of Portland Bill. Generally I use about 10 miles off here as a decision point for the prevailing SW conditions. Added benefit is that from here a 20 degree course change to the East can provide the difference between conditions that keep a small planning boat running well and having to drop back to 9-10 knots for comfort with all the issues that brings - and you are then heading to Cherbourg so that;s OK !

Re buddies we had a couple of tries this year using mobiles to keep in touch - both times we called off the night before but has crews ready.

Personally I ran over to Cherbourg last weekend and joined the Scuttlebutt dinner, having called off at 0830 we headed out to fish Sat lunchtime and found conditions acceptable sso ran over..........., then ran on to Alderney and on to the Casquet Banks just north of Guernsey before returning to Poole Sun evening (well it was dark when we got in..........).

So this forum enabled a lot of people to plan and discuss conditions etc, as well as a couple of really helpful souls who called me up from St PP and elsewhere with 'sit reps' when we were considering trips, and offers to accompany boats back if required - thanks to those.

However due to August's poor weather (for small PBs) we didn't succeed in the objective of introducing people to the delights of CI cruising in small powerboats - maybe next year!


Well-known member
7 Jan 2005
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This forum add on is a great idea for

we 're leaving Poole @ 0700 tomorrow for Guernsey @ 20-25 knts
anyone around ?

There is one forum member that does this on the mobo forum and I think it is a good idea.

And to cruise in company can be reassuring.

to plan a trip in advance has disadvantages as the advert forces a sense of failure if the weather turns and some will want to go in weather they would not normally leave in to save face.

I have planned trips to CI in advance including with forum members but done it by pm. And with other members who accept failure as part of boating.

There is enough pi@@ taking on here with out the added sense of planned trips going wrong and what about the Liability when the planned cruise ends in tears ?

I think the week I stumbled into your cruise you were incredibly unlucky with the weather including long term outlook for a return passage and the decision to stay this side of the channel was very wise.

Haydn, Im not sure if our North sea swells are up to yours but I would like to add they are not too comfortable at speed when the tide turns against them.


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22 Dec 2004
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I think it is time that this Forum gets a rename - wot with Aug 2006 having gone already /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif

Wot about making it more general to "Cross Channel (or further?)" - and leave it open so that anyone can try and organise / hook up with folk for longer trips?


New member
7 Dec 2006
Uk, Holland, Vietnam
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If you are going to team up with other boats make sure they are matched for speed of running and sea conditions.
As a member of the Association of Dunkirk Little Ships I've made two of their 5 yearly crossings Dover or Ramsgate to Dunkirk. We cross the channel in convoy at the speed of the slowest boat and boy can that be uncomfortable. Lazy days needs a bit of way on otherwise she rolls like mad, at times we're only proceding with engines running at tick over. faces can turn a little green on board.
Though once tied up in Dunkirk faces do tend to get even greener catching up with old friends and having a few.