I've been DUPED !. The [oh really!] antifoul company swore that when my boat went back into the water, the pale green antifoul would turn white ...... 3 months on, its still fecking green grrrrrrrrrrrrr
Perhaps it went back into the water too soon for the magic effect to take place, or alternatively it didn't go back in soon enough after application?????
I was told the same with our first boat, they anti-fouled it a funny greenny/purpley colour and said it will turn white once in the water, and they were right.
When the boat is actually in the water it looks to be white, i.e, the same colour as the gelcoat, but once lifted oot again, it still looks a kind of greeny/purply!!!
I know this doens't help, but is your green when its still in the water, or only when its been lifted oot??
Maaan - you gotta be joking /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif
I've been using that stuff for years. I could have told you it doesn't change colour. I'm sorry Pauline but I'm still ROFL. The guy that sold it to you...did he have one gold tooth and a spotty bow-tie that rotated? /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif /forums/images/graemlins/grin.gif