......I saw the potential and brought it to market before he claimed patent rights.......no dice......already in public doimain.....serves him bloody right for nicking my burgee design.............he'll be saying he ythought of calling his boat muckyfarter next.....bloody cheek......
AND he didnt cointribute a penny to my Bosun's 'Set the Chertsey One free' campaign
<A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.boatsontheweb.com/galleryframes.html> BoatsOnTheWeb and Boaters Photo Gallery</A>
Oh. Dont mind you playing with my invention. It was you who said I was being childish though. Now look where we are. Three threads going and all invisible. I just want my royalties, thats not to much to ask is it.
<font color=white> The Invisable Man Haydn/forums/images/icons/laugh.gif
You never did tell me where the glass and mouse came from <font color=white> or was it not your idea </font color=white>
/forums/images/icons/smile.gif <A target="_blank" HREF=http://www.arweb.co.uk/argallery/kelisha>Pics of Kelisha</A> /forums/images/icons/crazy.gif
Forget all the legalise rubbish, but you are indirectly responsible for the banishment of a pup to Battersea Dog's Home . Even Byron offered 5 p (begrudgingly)...
Wores than that it is reported that hairy femail rowers now have total control of upper reaches of Thames and are warding off allpower boats manfully.
A Kangaroo court will have to be convened.
Do we have a Judge , Jury ( 12 will do , forget the good men honest and true bit). Time 2100 this evening, unfortunately I am out on p*** but is there a Court's Clerk to manage proceedings?
I never never knicked your flag. You said your flag maker man was crap, a complet w**ker. So helped out with my little man down the road. Who I must admit is little better.
Who the hell is Chertey anyway. Dont tell me!!
<font color=white> The Invisable Man Haydn/forums/images/icons/laugh.gif
Oh I set up the rowers on the Thames just to wind up all the ditch crawlers.
Cant have Kangaroo court at 9oclock cos thats when every one goes to the pub. Might be more entertaining about 11-30 though!!
<font color=white> The Invisable Man Haydn/forums/images/icons/laugh.gif
The Prosicution of boat 1 canceled as by posting his thread he has totaly knackered the whole thing up. No more secret messages bohoo. What bright spark put a tag for writting in white in the first place. Is there some point in being able to write in a colour that cant be seen?? Well maybe there is/forums/images/icons/laugh.gif
The X Invisible White Man/forums/images/icons/laugh.gif