Well-known member
Regarding software, OpenCPN (at least the drawing plugin) seems to offer some features that would allow for marking off areas, adding clearing bearings, etc. Personally I find it too kludgy to be practical, but the functionality is there.
My preferred app (SEAiq) allows any number of EBLs and VRMs, as well as marking out areas and lines when adding annotations. For me it's far quicker compared to OpenCPN, and doing something like a 3-point fix requires merely dropping three EBLs, putting one end of each on the planned targets, and then dragging the other ends once you've taken bearings. Multiple EBLs also work for calculating course to steer, etc.
I haven't yet played with it, but Rose Point's Coastal Explorer also claims to allow unlimited range/bearing lines and unlimited boundary circles, lines, and areas with alarms, along with a dead reckoning mode.
Yes, the method of using legs on a route is possible, but to me it's stretching things a bit much and asking for error.
It may be worth posting a few screenshots of good practice - that can then be turned in to a feature request for OpenCPN.