Telefonica Wireless Broadband


24 Aug 2005
London UK
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In the past in spain we have been able to buy monthly subscriptions to gtelefonica broadband over the web using a credit card.

Something seems to have changed and they now ask for a spanish tlephone account to make the billing too!

Does anyone know if it is possible to buy telefonica wireless access on-line, and if so what is the process.




I haven't come across this Telefonica operate WiFi access points in public places or are they part of a consortium? I'd be interested to learn more and if you can give me more details about what you used to get I might be able to get some Spanish friends to sort out how we access and pay for it.


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7 Sep 2001
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If you are there now, go and speak to Belinda on Englander F27, she will show you hows its done, you can use your UK credit card, using your passport number, we are on telefonica wifi now.
By the way, you have a magnificent vessel!! Went and had a look at her and spoke to your skipper, before I was banished back to Northsea, be back late in the month, if your there.
By the way, you have a very expensive McNulty, yours is all mahogany, mine is mahaogany and larch, any chance of getting ours together, to breed?
Cheers /forums/images/graemlins/smirk.gif


I've had a prowl over the Telefonica website and found that you can buy prepaid virtual cards (basically a PIN) online.

Pre-paid Telefonica WiFi card

This one is €78 for 30 days. I hope that the link works for you but if not you won't find it too hard to find. There is an English link on this page. I see that they accept passport number as well as NIE and NIF so should be OK. We don't have a Telefonica access point around here but might make use of it in the Balearics when we get over there. Expensive but if the speed is good maybe worth it at times?


24 Aug 2005
London UK
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Colin: Got the wi-fi sorted cheers

We wont be back out till first weekend in June, and will probably head back down to Alicante (home port ) for the summer. We need to be somewhere very near the airport and with as many flight options as possible for the next few months. Thanks for the kind words about Maori,
Dave the skipper gets all the credit for keeping her tip top!
The Mc Nulty really flies under sail - do you have a rig for yours?



Lemain: many thanks for your help - that was indeed what we have been using. Most spanish marinas we have visited have a wifi loop. However last week they changed the online purchasing - you had to have a spanish tel with them. It has now been changed back to the way it was and wehave been able to get back online.




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7 Sep 2001
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No, I have no rig for mine, thats one of the reasons I was so interested in yours, but I would need to do big mods to get it like yours, as it's got a centre board, I would have to modify the keel! But I have got my eye on a 12 foot McNulty longstone, in wood, with a lovely rig, just have to persuade my SWMBO to let me have it, or just buy it and tell here nothing!!
I heard from Dave you were also considering Gardner 6LX's for her, I know them well and having looked at your engine room they would go in without problem. Pity you are going to Alicante, as I would have liked to discuss Maori with you and offered any assistance with planning, just because she is magnificent! She is a credit to all of you.