Tedium Has Set In!


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16 May 2001
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Have I lost my direction? It seems that a lot of the discussions would be better suited to some other forum. I am finding great difficulty in getting enthused over any of this stuff. It seems that scuttlebutt has become very academic and boring, or is it that I have lost my way and senility has finally overtaken my objectivity. Anyway who cares?


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16 May 2001
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i have just read your history of posts & as you say it is getting repetative, i think you have posted this line a few to many times now. if it is so boring why do you keep coming back to the site with the same message ? why not bring something to the party yourself ? the site cannot be so bad it has inspired you to make 42 postings.mind you how many were all moans about the same thing ?


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5 Aug 2001
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Samuel agrees

Maybe Samuel Johnson, when he said "No man will be a sailor who has contrivance enough to get himself into jail, for being in a ship is being in a jail with the chance of being drowned" was thinking along the same lines.


Well said, alanhanson. I can't stand people who constantly moan about things which are within their grasp to improve. If you don't like it why join? It's up to you, the not so jolly jacktar, to make it more exciting if that's what you crave, otherwise let your senility overtake you and lie down.


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16 May 2001
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Alan, what a tedious person you must be, doing your BIG BROTHER act and looking up my previous 42 tedious moans. I guess that your moan gave you some joy as well.


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16 May 2001
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Thats more like it!

Set the cat amongst the pigeons. Even got a personal anonomous message from someone who won't publish! But really, looking at some of the recent threads and taking another sip of vitriol what do we have...

The perennial problem with antifouling [read the label on the paint tin], someone trying to learn to be a crew [just go and do it], where is the best place to look at the fireworks [if you need help with this, the best thing is to set fire to yourself], a problem with the America Cup Jubilee Calendar [just wait at the airport and follow the NZers bringing the Auld Mug back to Cowes to show the Brits what it looks like and just what they could not win for themselves], brianj, who must be an Aussie looking for a cricket team [wrong forum Brian, go to the cricket site and crow there, for as long as you like. Still I guess this is a simple mistake, considering the size of an Australian's brain..you get more per pound than other brains], someone with a UFO problem? [just go and sail it], another guy who likes the taste of bilgewater [ ????], a drunk who has a problem after eating cheese in bed [pity the wife], a problem wondering what way a boom tapers [everyone knows this ... it is from the thick part to the thin part], some guy who is confused after spending 30yrs on the Thames has now gone to sea [no wonder, should have followed the current downstream till he popped out in the ocean ... got a lot of interested replies this one] etc.

So you can see, with few exceptions there is not a lot to get worked up on. And there is a lot more tedious stuff on the forum as well. Oh well, it keeps some people amused.


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24 Oct 2001
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Re: Tedious!

You might be jack tar, BUT you certainly are not JOLLY.
Did we loose our liver pills today , or are you so shitty about your poor cricket team..
Yep I'm an Aussie and proud of it. Sure I have a small brain , thats why they called me ...brianj
ps ...you do keep coming back to this site, I wonder why. ? Can't you go somewhere else. ? In other words P...s off


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16 May 2001
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Re: Thats more like it!

There are those who get on the stage and those who sit in front of it. Those who sit in front of it can only criticise if they have paid good money to be there. If they don't play or pay, they can go elswhere.

This is the RADA site isn't it??


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16 May 2001
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Re: Vanity, vanity, all is vanity

My Dear Jack,

I'm afraid you appear to have missed the point of a Sailing BB. Sailing is an old profession - it is not making great strides forwards and so there is nothing new to discuss. Any conversations must therefore keep repeating old themes, as indeed your own posting does.

"There is nothing new under the sun" - therefore all human communication is bound either to be repetitive or derivative. (Unless you are one of the very few people genuinely capable of original thought).

However, since you obviously take exception to the repetition I suggest that you lead by example and refrain from posting anything that is repetitive or derivative.

You will then be doing your little bit to raise the standard of the communication on the board...


Weyhey, Jack!

Can’t help thinking that Jack’s got a point. Scuttlebutt is taking a disappointing long time to recover (thanks, I know my way to Voy, but I think I’ll leave them to it). Perhaps we should just pause to consider why this is, rather than telling jack to get lost (although I have to admit that I am heartened by this heated exchange, go for it, Jack). Now, inspired by Jack, I will go and try to generate a good argument about something to do with sailing.


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16 May 2001
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Re: Weyhey, Jack!

Heated debate, interesting and sometimes esoteric conversation maybe entertaining. But why criticise it's absence when one can do something about it?

Sleepy, you say that you are inspired by Jack's posting. (I concur your comment about Voy). Do we just complain then and "inspire" others to entertain us?

Most of us don't spend our lives on forums. We dive in make a quick comment, question or answer and get on with work! Don't have time or inclination to be esoteric.


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16 May 2001
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This is scuttlebutt!

This is scuttlebutt! Not aunties agony column or touchy feely stuff. Long live the old sailors discourse.


No Jack! You probably have not lost your direction

I like yourself have been more than a bit disappointed with the way the re-formed/re-vamped SB has settled down since the shake up several months ago. Yes I have whinged, but to little or no avail. Like you, I look at the various topics being discussed and feel that there is little constructive comment to make to any of them. I spend only a short while "on line" each day, and as such tend to browse through two or three of the fora making comments when I feel that I have something sensible to add to the debate.

I do not post very often on SB!

R2R seems to have gone back into its old ways, and long may it stay like that. It does occassionally provide a source of information to people looking in! Yellow Welly Brigade - well, it looked promising at the outset, but unfortunately seems to lack the support. CWBB - well that is OK if you have a lot of contacts in the USA.

I know that two people have already responded "we know where voy is thank you" I do to, and quite frankly it is the best of the bunch at the moment. It is like the old SB with a real international flavour. Postings from Aussie, Belgium, America and various other countries. Postings ranging from the thought provoking to rampant drivel! But above all else it is SPONTANEOUS!!! Look in there and the current message board is just over 24hrs old! There are 10 Archives covering just on 14 days. Threads don't peter out after two or three postings as they do here, they run for up to 30 posts at a time usually over a two day period.

Give it a look my friend, make yourself known! Chez Marian is very much like the SB YOU are looking for!!


No, no…

I just mean that Jack’s got a point and if we want scuttlebutt to improve, we have to make a bit of an effort to post stuff. I’m guilty of looking into scuttlebutt and thinking “ho hum, not much there”. The next time (not this time, too busy) I look in I will try and post something. We should all do the same.


I suggest you try a more immediate format - a teen chatroom.