Technical help please - drum & cable steering


Active member
16 Oct 2001
Porthmadog / Port Leucate
A friend of mine took the cable off his drum & cable steering for his Shetland 535. He hasn't the foggiest how to get the new cable on, so he has asked me.

Trouble is - its 20 years since I last did this, so I haven't a clue either. Can anyone jog my memory please. OK, Pretty Please!

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must be 10 years since I did it, but from memory, start with the engine straight, and wind 3 or 4 turns around the drum, starting in the middle. Then run the cables back through the guides and blocks, and to the engine. You should have some kind of barrel tensioner thingy in there. You need as many turns round th edrum as you can get away with, but need to allow for turning the wheel. So if you could get 10 turns on the drum, and the steering is 3 turns, lock to lock, you need one and a half clear turns at either end (best make that two to be safe), so you would have six turns on the middle of the drum, with two free at either end for the cable to move onto as you turn the wheel.

There, that wasn't at all clear, was it.

Note to Grumpy: you do not have drum steering. You do not want drum steering. You will gain nothing by converting to drum steering. Drum steering has no safety advantages.

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16 May 2001
Any Pub Lancashire or Wales
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I have the same problem, putting the new string on the petrol strimmer. If you've got one, it works the same way except you want one side realing on whilst the other reals off. There might be a clamp or hole to hold the wire and stop it slipping round the drum. As said. get as many turns round the drum as you can with sense. Should be very simple and obvious when seeing the boat.

<hr width=100% size=1> <font color=blue> Haydn


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30 Jan 2002
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Is it single or double purchase ?
Or what engine is it re hp
Example up to 30lb pull or 40 hp max a single purchase system is ok with by the way three turns on the drum, this can be cables on one side or both, also a complete cable loop.
30lb or 40 hp upwards a double purchase system, which is two seperate cables both pull in either direction and are fixed to the hull normaly with springs to take the stress or the cables will stretch to quickly.
Dont forget as already said the cable is best attatched to the drum or it will slip, the tension will need to be ajusted so use a bottle screw.

Easy int it if you want a diagram ask I can email you one

<hr width=100% size=1>smile you'l be on your boat soon ;-)
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