Take my breath away!!!


Active member
19 Aug 2001
Brecon, Wales
I now have my Squadron 59 in Swansea after an eventful trip. I am very pleased with its performance but more of that later.

As an example of the difference of the marine industry to all others industries:-

Ordered over £10k worth of electronics - they were late doing it so travelled to Swansea to finish the job - installed but the new super duper radar not working and so they left it to follow up to the manufacturer this morning - hopefully the manufacturer will get it replaced this week - basically the scanner does not go round and the unit is in constant warm up.

The company that I purchased the units from was fitting them - I had already paid 75% on deposit with the balance due when fitted. Today they asked me for the balance, when I explained that I was not happy to pay, they said the fact that the £10k plus worth of electronics was not working was not their fault!

I then explained that if they went and purchased a Ford car and paid 75% deposit - when I went to collect the car but the wheels on the car would not go round andthe car would not work ... would they then pay the garage the balance, even though it was Ford who made the mistake on the car? They agreed they would not and so I told them the scanner is no different - when it goes around and works I will pay the balance. The result was that they then decided they would have to cahse the manufacturer - whoopee!!! the penny dropped.

At no time in this conversation did I lose my cool because I have come to expect such things in the Marine Industry and so do not get flustered at all anymore.

Another firm fitted new sea cocks and told me they were complete and finished - its was a good job I checked before the boat went back in the water because there were just two gaping holes. I phoned them back and asked again if they were fitted - it was again confirmed - I then pointed out that they were not fitted and that it would have sunk if I had returned the boat to the water ... again I even managed this conversation with some humour!!!

I am very busy at present and so have not got much time for posts - just could not resist this one after today's tele conversation. :)

<hr width=100% size=1>Paul


"Another firm fitted new sea cocks and told me they were complete and finished - its was a good job I checked before the boat went back in the water because there were just two gaping holes. I phoned them back and asked again if they were fitted - it was again confirmed - I then pointed out that they were not fitted and that it would have sunk if I had returned the boat to the water ... "

Do you not think you are being a little picky about this, Paul?

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Active member
19 Aug 2001
Brecon, Wales
Yes, I suppose I am being picky. I suppose that when I expect the marine trade to 'think' they confuse it with 'sink'.... its an easy mistake to make :)

The boat was being returned to the water without me there, so had I not gone down the weekend before, I may have had a classic story to tell.... :)

<hr width=100% size=1>Paul


New member
25 Sep 2002
Ft Lauderdale Florida
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10k on electrics?? they should have shined your shoes and washed your car for you too!!!!

If you need skipper or crew give me a shout.


<hr width=100% size=1>Logged Sea Miles wanted for masters. Send PM if your on south coast and want skipper or crew.


Active member
19 Aug 2001
Brecon, Wales
You are a little confused with your seacocks - not understanding the main difference between a cock-up and a cock-down! Now when the water comes in - that is a Cock Up - when its goes down its a cock down.

So my intervention in this case turned a cock up into a cock down.

Do you understand now? :)

<hr width=100% size=1>Paul


Active member
19 Aug 2001
Brecon, Wales
The boat already has a lot of electronics including weatherfax, 6 way intercom etc. I installed a new large daylight colour Raymarine screen in the lower and upper helm along with a new 46 inch scanner. So it should be a very nice set up when its finished.

The other thin I did was upgrade the bow and fit a stern thruster with a remote control. I now have the biggest model boat in the business!

I have already found that the thrusters are a huge benefit in tight marina situations - they can hold the boat against an almost 30 knot wind. It means that I can vrew the boat with just myself and the missus. Just hold her against the lock side giving plenty of time to warp up etc.

The most amazing thing for me about the trip back to Swansea was that after a fuel blockage had been cleared we were crusing at 26 to 31 knots - that is not top speed but cruising speed. Frankly I am surprised it could do that with a full load of fuel (500 galls) and water (150 galls) - over 3 tons plus 5 on board.

On sea trails it cruised at 21 knots with a top of 25 knots - so it pays to clear blockages and get rid of three year old fuel from the tanks - soltroned the tanks of course.

<hr width=100% size=1>Paul


Active member
19 Aug 2001
Brecon, Wales
Amazing - with my new radar still being worked on by another dealer today to get it to work, without my permission the supplier just went ahead without my permission and took the total balance from my credit card!!!

They seem to think that they can supply a dead on arrival item to me under a supply and fit deal and then, despit it not working, get fully paid as they hand the prpblem over to RayMarine to sort out!

I could get onto them and the credit card company but as I hope it will all be fixed today, there seems little point. Doing the card for the balance against my permission was the ultimate though.

They calim that the equipment was faulty and that was the fault of RayMarine and so they having done nothing wrong should be paid for supplying the dud equipment. I had already paid about 80% deposit anyway.

I calimed that they supplied dud equipment and so should not be paid the balance until it worked when the balamce was instantly to be paid. I told them I was not willing to pay on any other basis.

They just go ahead and debit my card..... only in the Marine industry could this attitude ever exist!

<hr width=100% size=1>Paul


Well-known member
30 May 2001
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That takes the biscuit, I'd be tempted to tell them to take the whole lot back and get a full refund.

Who are they?

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Go on then

Name and Shame them. Can't see this industry getting any better unless people vote with their wallets.

<hr width=100% size=1>


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
Visit site
i think you should get on to the credit card compnay pretty sharpish if it doesn't work soon, like praps today: I don't think they are allowed to retain informtation that allows them to debit a card without your authorisation like that and certainkly not for not completing the work. Incredible that they protest that the dud equipment is not their fault at all. Next move is that they bodge it around and it becomes secondhand before it works as "new". I would praps consider writing a letter stating that you have reveresed the unauthorised payment, and give them a deadline of when it should be working. Then, get someone else local to get it working with the spare balance. You know all this of course.

Pleased the boat is otherwise good though.

<hr width=100% size=1>


Active member
19 Aug 2001
Brecon, Wales
They are Marine Electronic Installations of Port Solent.

If its all fixed today by the other local chap appointed by RayMarine, then I shall leave it because it would look stupid having a row fir a refund follwed by a request to pay all in the same day.

The whole idea was that the system be fitted in Port Solent anyway but that is another story.

I find the attitude interesting and I really, but foolishly thought I had explained it with my new car that does not go analogy .... they agreed about the car ,,, but it seems they think that in the Marine industry you are allowed to leave an installation on a boat unworking and claim that the part they just supplied is broken, its a manufacturers problem and so they have no responsibility and should be paid for it because they did there best and it was not their fault. Whilst I agree it did not look like their fault it was clearly their responsibility - that they do not understand.

Think about extending this logic - new boat gets delivered but engines do not work at all, electronics do not work - in fact all third party made equipment on the boat does not work ... that is not the boat builders fault and so they charge you the 20% balance for the boat even without your permission!!!!

To add the problems the new radar scanner from Raymarine ended up in Exeter yesterdau instead of Swansea - now there are 6 letters in Exeter but 7 letters in Swansea - so I am also stuggling to find out how the clearly addressed scanner could could have Swansea confused with Exeter - they are both coastal towns I suppose :)

The saga continues today :)

<hr width=100% size=1>Paul


Active member
19 Aug 2001
Brecon, Wales
Folow Up

Well with Marine Electronic Installations having debited my card against my wishes, the carrier delivering the radar to Exeter yesterday instead of Swansea ... waht more could go wrong?

The carriar promised to deliver it today by 10am but it did not arrive - Raymarine who have tried their best to do a good job then find out that the driver did not know where the Marina office was and so took it back to the depot!!!????

At this point I blew ... yes, I lost my cool totally.

The result is the part has arrived at the Marina - the driver obviously discovered he could ask the way to the Marina office!

Out if this developing saga, Raymarine have come out well - they have done their very best, they just need to sack their carriar. The other company that has kept me informed every step of the way and is now heading to the boat to fix it all is Neyland Marine - a chap called Gordon there knows how to give service and keep me informed.

If it is not fixed today then I shall, take a sigh and start contacting credit card companies etc

<hr width=100% size=1>Paul


Active member
5 Mar 2002
Cote d'Azur
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Sounds very frustrating

Did I see your MB in Penarth Marina the other day, two Fairline 55+ boats in there over the last few weeks, one called Lady Hannah the other was West Passage I think?

Anyway it will all be worth it once its fitted.



<hr width=100% size=1>


11 Jan 2002
Caribbean at the moment
Visit site
Re: much better

I'm afraid to say that your calmness has done no good whatsoever. If the boss of the fixing company(s) asks his staff if any of the customers is upset, their current response can be a solid "No". So, my advice is to go utterly raving bonkers with them in turn. You'll definitely be first in the queue. And of course, going up the wall is good exercise for the heart and lung muscles too. Naturally, you apologise for going utterly up the wall, which cleans the slate but doesn't erase the effect. A week or so later you can go utterly raving bonkers with them again, cos they are obviously going to rush the job and not fix it properly.

Hope this helps.

<hr width=100% size=1>


Active member
19 Aug 2001
Brecon, Wales
Re: Sounds very frustrating

Nope - my boat is DrumBeat.

Lady Hannah is a 52ft Squadron, West Passage is a new 58 footer - both from Swansea - we are getting a nice little collection of them up here with all of them within a few yards of each other in the Marina.

Nayland Marine are now on the boat and will be working late to put it right for the weekend.... I hope. @)

If you ever see Drumbeat - come and say hello.

<hr width=100% size=1>Paul


Active member
19 Aug 2001
Brecon, Wales
Re: much better

For years I have blown and done my nut to make things happen then do the aplogise bit only to repeat the cycle as you say.

I am trying very hard to remain calm and ensure that my pastime with boats is enjoyed. This means acceptance of the marine world whilst at the same time riding the system to get things done ... all the time remaining calm .... I blew this afternoon and regard that as a failure but have calmed myself down again now ... I keep repeating .. 'this is about me enjoying myself not banging heads together which I have done all my life in work ... this is about me enjoying myself not banging heads together which I have done all my life in work ... this i ...s"

However my stress is rising as I imagine the delight I would have in getting hold of the deivery guy who having taken the radar on holiday to Exeter could not find the marina office in Swansea .... I really could be had up for murder if I am caught at the wrong moment in my calming cycle... after all its only a radar thing that goes around and looks good on the arch ... its a nice toy and I am upset because its all going wrong with some really stupid, ~~~~~~, b##dy, ********* people who could not organise a p@@@ up in a Brew@@@@ ...... you see I am losing control again...........

<hr width=100% size=1>Paul


Re: much better

Ah, but at least you can get hold of the company.

You can't talk to Fairline direct, you have to go through Peters. Took me 3 1/2 weeks and seven phone calls for Peters to get a price on some Fairline spares for me. Now Peters were doing their best, but didn't seem to get a response from Fairline. Which is odd, seeing as they only have one customer to deal with in the UK... All this for two bl**dy drinks holders!

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