Swedish sailor moving to Southampton


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11 Dec 2002
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Not REALLY sailing related, but who else to ask but sailbuffs?!...

I'm considering taking a course @ the institute.
As I'm not twenty any more and have a family, I need to find info about suitable areas to live and that aren't to far away (or within a decent busride distance) from the institute that are cheapish but are nice to live in with good schools for the kids.

And I also need to know where to go to fetch "a ride" as I can't afford to keep my own boat for the study period (4 yrs).

I'm sorry if this is a bit OT but I don't know where to start looking for a forum that has a lot of Soton inhabitants on it. As sailing is pretty big in the area, I thought this might be a god place to start.

Any thoughts or ideas about this? Thanks ppl...

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16 May 2001
Isle of Wight / Jersey
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Not wanting to be negative, but "cheapish" no longer exists if you are looking for family property in Hampshire. Southampton and surrounding areas are mainline commuting for London and prices reflect this. Throw in "good" schools and prices also go up.
Both sides of Southampton water are "select" to a degree - think New Forest or Hamble. Then you have the market towns such as Romsey or Winchester with prices to match. Even the traditionally "cheaper areas" such as Eastleigh, Chandlers Ford and the like have caught up.
This is the local newspaper
Probably about the cheapest area would be the Isle of Wight, but then look at about £10 a day ferry fares.

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11 Dec 2002
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Thanks \"snail\" but...

that's why i typed "cheapish" I do realize that the cost of living is quite high. I checked a number of properties available for rent on the net and found that there are small houses/flats for around 450-750£/Mo that seem to vary from errr... might be okish, to very nice, but as a stranger to the area (not counting spending a summer in Poole 18yrs ago) I need to figure out where NOT to live I guess and then go from there...

Do this make sense?

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28 Feb 2002
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What L\'Escargot has said is correct

On mainland UK we probably have overall the most expensive house prices for rent or for purchase in the world. If you want to go cheapish then look at the Isle of Wight ... It's your only option. Prices there are about 30-50% of UK mainland prices.

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17 Nov 2003
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Me again, forgot my password... Bummer...

So, a better property can be had for 300£/mo less than on the mainland, is that what you both are saying? Since 20 days of school per month, add to that that I probably need to find a decent paying job to keep afloat and then it would be the issue of time spent on travelling between IoW and Soton, and you still feel it is worth it?

I'll have a look at some property links to see what the prices are on IoW as well, but it does look awkward to me. How long does the ferry take?

Any other ideas or thoughts?

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11 Jan 2002
Cowes. Isle of Wight
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The advice to consider the Isle of Wight is not as silly as it might sound at first. It has the following advantages:

The crime rate is low and it is safer for your family than Southampton

The Island Sailing club is very social and will welcome you, and the natives are friendly. the mainland clubs are more expensive and not so welcoming .

The Red Jet high speed ferry from Cowes to Southampton takes about 25 minutes and lands you within walking distance of the Institute, although as already said it is more expensive than a bus ride.

There are schools in Cowes, but I do not know what they are like as my kids are well past school age.

If you would like to send me a private message with your address I will send you a cop of the property section of the Isle of Wight County Press so you can get an idea of the price of rented properties.

If you do decide on Southampton avoid Derby Road

<hr width=100% size=1>Chris Stannard


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16 May 2001
Isle of Wight / Jersey
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Re: Thanks \"snail\" but...

Yes, it makes sense. Price is probably the best indicator, the lower end might be ok ish the upper end might be nice, the final decision coming down to personal preferences and aesthetics. You are unlikely to find a low priced property in a nice area, on the rare occasions they come up they have probably gone by word of mouth. Is there an accomodation officer at the institute, sometimes people let privately by advertising directly to organisations and not through agents etc.

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16 May 2001
Isle of Wight / Jersey
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The ferries are probably more reliable and less prone to delay than Southampton buses in traffic (barring perhaps a handfull of weatherbound days)
Local paper:
The difference in price would go considerably towards offsetting travel costs and the added benefit of a better environment for families. Schools are reasonable and certainly less prone to the problems of large cities. There is an "island mentality" to adjust to and you find people generally love it or hate it. Certainly better sailing opportunities than Southampton.

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