stainless steel props



Craig, navigation is not a problem for me, it was drilled into me throughout my commando training, and subsequent missions (where are we?). I use GPS all the time in the car so it has just been the adaption to charts. I have learnt the manual way and after reading my books it's just common sense, although ' you only see what you recognise, and you only recognise what you know' e.g. if you know nothing, don't expect to recognise it /forums/images/icons/wink.gif

Sure I will meet up with you anytime, if you want to borrow a few books feel free, I need my sex life back /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif PM me and we will chat. I am away at the carnival in Rio de Janeiro from the 5th - 18th March (polishing leather thong, pauline excited?) but any other time is fine by me. I am VHF'ing this weekend, and then CEVNI'ing when I get the blinking book, the RYA are soooooooo slow in sending stuff out.

Oldgit has kindly offered to show me the ropes, so he will be getting a bottle champers from me and a big kiss from my missus (Yuck!)

All stations, All stations All stations
This is Grumpy1, This is Grumpy1, This is Grumpy1
(Position) :- MDL Marina, Chatham
(Nature of urgency) :- About to cast off. OVER

/forums/images/icons/laugh.gif /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif see I'm learning already /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif


Cheers Russell, another fly in the ointment to consider, not easy is it? I only have a single prop, don't know if that makes any difference?


New member
23 Oct 2002
Amsterdam/Costa Brava
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The problem with the duoprops is that they come in matched sets, and you dont get as much choice as you do with the single props. I never tried a stainless prop on my Mariah, which had a 225hp 4.3 GS/SX. The only one I was interested in was the 'high five', but you couldnt get them for the SX leg
I also think the weight of a set of stainless duoprops can affect the characteristics of the boat.
As 4 the Medway, you learn most about the river when u go out at low water, then u can c where the lumps r ! Same as the Swale really, 8 hours aground waiting 4 the tide 2 come in can be very educational !


Don't worry, I am just buying a TV (I think) to pass the time while 'tide waiting' /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif


Well-known member
30 Nov 2002
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My first question is what engine\boat combination do you have? If its a modestly powered diesel cruiser i,e, 40 or 41 series you probably won't notice any difference
But if its a high horsepower to weight ratio or a petrol V8 then its worth looking into. I did once put them on a 290 Duo-prop but we took them off again as there weren't any real performance gains with that particular set up.
But one thing is for sure standard Volvo aluminium props don't seem to last very long, the paint comes off in a week and they just corrode after that, so it would save on replacements, as good quality SS props last forever.
The weight thing I have never heard of as its less than having a child on board or filling the water tank! The gear change will be heavier though as you have more inertia to overcome to spin up a SS prop, not heavier in effort, just you will feel a bit more of a thump as the gears engage, and I always pause between forward and reverse and vice versa to allow the prop to stop, to be kind to the gearbox.


New member
29 Nov 2002
Ipswich, UK
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Hi Spannerman,

Boat is a falcon 23 spc
Enigne Volvo Penta AQ205 V6 petrol (205bhp allegedly!!!)

You are right about the paint, boat just taken out of the water, very little pain left on what were black, shiny props less than a year ago.

i always "pause" before going from fo'ard to astern - would be somewhat gutted if it went Pop as a result of my impatience!

Biggest concern is the state of the ring anode (will post a new thread about this) - yes it is corroded and has done its job, but there is next to nothing left of it, less than a year in the water... am a littel concerned that the rate of decay is quicker than it should be and might need changing more frequently than annually?

Thanks for your help,
