which instrument are you refering to? ,st 60 is the range of instruments.
if you are refering to the wind instrument
if pressed shows the heading information on the digital display whilst the analogue display shows the wind angle.
if you are getting just dashes then its because theres no seatalk signal inputting the tack heading .
the only "tack" button I know is on the autohelm. you press it once, followed by either the "port" or "starbd" button & the autohelm tacks the boats through 100 degrees in the desired direction, leaving you to play with the string. try getting it to gybe if you like a bit of fun!
best of luck
The tack button tells you in the LCD display the compass brearing that your next tack can roughly make. It needs boat speed and heading info from the seatalk bus to work.
Think it defaults to 90 degrees as the angle you can tack through, its very useful when working out how far you have to stand off before tacking to make a mark. Obviously its only a rough guide because it cannot take account of tide etc.