Spanish matriculation tax

Peter Morgan

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27 Oct 2020
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Just got our Spanish temp residency (TIE). Now the next part. How to pay our matriculation tax. Anyone done this and the best way to do and how to pay as little as possible.
One other question, think I read you do not have to pay if register within 30 days of getting your residency. If this true and if yes how to do



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5 Sep 2004
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If you have used a gestor for your TIE, ask them if they know how to do it.
You're right on the 30 day thing.
The value of your boat for tax calculation is based on a sort of Spanish Glass's Guide, so no flexibility there.
Hopefully someone will be along soon with the name of a specialist in this area, which I have forgotten.
Or search forum on matriculation tax - the name was mentioned recently.


19 Feb 2006
North Sea Trawler 57'OC BALDER VIII
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About matriculation tax, we have had an unpleasant customs visit in Las Palmas, Gran Canaria: the guys asked me a lot of questions to know when we flew to the islands, how many time we stayed here and here. They wanted me to write in spanish on an official Agencia Tributaria paper. Their explanations were not very clear about this bloody tax. I asked them: is n't better to look for drug dealers and so on than create pressure on yacht owners who let gently a lot of euros in their economy with yacht maintenance, restaurants, supermarkets and so on?
So liveaboards, no vat yachts, beware, Mr Sanchez's bureaucracy is hunting "wealthy" tourists...
As well, we have decided to go to Portugal, considering our 183 days credit will end soon...I do not want to flirt with this spanish disaster considering my 60' explorer trawler....
Last but not least, they mentionned my MMSI number on the carbon paper....


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24 May 2012
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Hi Balder, Sorry to hear about your bad experience in Las Palmas - every country has it’s share of unpleasant officials.

As a result, I see you are contemplating re-locating to Portugal. Is this for real, or just a knee-jerk first response to your recent treatment in Spain❓

If you are coming this way, have you decided where you are going to keep the boat❓

Given apparent hostility to ‘visitors’, I wonder how many other long-term visitors in Spain are contemplating leaving; either to return to their home country or to re-locate in a third country❓

In your case, Spain’s loss will be Portugal’s gain.?✅




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6 Sep 2001
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Hi Balder, Sorry to hear about your bad experience in Las Palmas - every country has it’s share of unpleasant officials.

As a result, I see you are contemplating re-locating to Portugal. Is this for real, or just a knee-jerk first response to your recent treatment in Spain❓

If you are coming this way, have you decided where you are going to keep the boat❓

Given apparent hostility to ‘visitors’, I wonder how many other long-term visitors in Spain are contemplating leaving; either to return to their home country or to re-locate in a third country❓

In your case, Spain’s loss will be Portugal’s gain.?✅


I really dont know where this apparent hostility to visitors is.
I think people that dont understand the rules,regulations and cultures of host countries should not condemn the country because all of a sudden its causing them upset.


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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I really dont know where this apparent hostility to visitors is.
I think people that dont understand the rules,regulations and cultures of host countries should not condemn the country because all of a sudden its causing them upset.

Possibly Balder could explain it to you and then there is the case of residents in Spain being returned to Manchester, without their baggage. No doubt there will be other instances.

Don’t think this is about rules and regulations rather about attitudes. Does your message infer that Spain has a culture of hostility to visitors❓?


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6 Sep 2001
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Possibly Balder could explain it to you and then there is the case of residents in Spain being returned to Manchester, without their baggage. No doubt there will be other instances.

Don’t think this is about rules and regulations rather about attitude.
That's my point, I dont know of any attitude, I dont think we actually hear the correct story, we only hear the shock horror version..people being returned without their luggage...well like all things I would prefer to know exactly why they were returned, not just their side of the story and the media hype


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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That's my point, I dont know of any attitude, I dont think we actually hear the correct story, we only hear the shock horror version..people being returned without their luggage...well like all things I would prefer to know exactly why they were returned, not just their side of the story and the media hype
What point❓ Think you may be moving the goal posts?

Possibly Balder will be along to amplify the point❓


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6 Sep 2001
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What point❓ Think you may be moving the goal posts?

Possibly Balder will be along to amplify the point❓
;) I dont think it's me moving the posts, I think the leeway expected by some has been removed due to covid, and it's very difficult for those instructed to maintain the rules are confused, so the grey areas and flexibility are removed and it all becomes more black and white.
This is picked up by the media and it's used as shock horror.

If a country has a rule no importation of food, you can not blame them for taking your sandwich.


26 May 2003
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I asked them: is n't better to look for drug dealers and so on than create pressure on yacht owners who let gently a lot of euros in their economy with yacht maintenance, restaurants, supermarkets and so on?
I'm not sure if this sort of comment goes down well with any officials in any country.


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26 Jan 2004
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I'm not sure if this sort of comment goes down well with any officials in any country.
I dont know we had some real laugh with official, one we was boarded by French customs, one question was do we have any weapons, we both looked at each other and said yes, our cat , the guy had tears running out of his eye , the other guy said , yes we heard british people have a GSH , does he amin out of his bottom or his mouth , which got us laughing .


Well-known member
6 Sep 2001
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Just got our Spanish temp residency (TIE). Now the next part. How to pay our matriculation tax. Anyone done this and the best way to do and how to pay as little as possible.
One other question, think I read you do not have to pay if register within 30 days of getting your residency. If this true and if yes how to do

Double check that your TIE is in fact registered with the tax office.

You can get a personal pin to access all your official dealings
on line, change of address,drivers licence,tax etc.
I got my TIE in February and after a bit of confusion discovered that my TIE was not actually registered at the tax office, I made an appointment and went yesterday to the tax office and one again had the most helpful advice and the man entered me into the system and patiently explained everything.


19 Feb 2006
North Sea Trawler 57'OC BALDER VIII
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To be clear...
I own sailing boats and power boats as well for more than 40 years and moved my yachts in many differents countries around this small planet.So I know what clearances mean...
What I wanted to say with my broken english, is that this Customs patrol came to visit me, because:
1- we were one of the "most luxurious" ...or may be considered like this... yacht berthed at this pontoon..So more chances to make some money...
2- the only goal was to try opening a file with may be fines because we should have stayed more than 183 aboard our trawler currently underway in Canary Islands
3- the tune of the meeting was not very friendly and confirm what spanish authorities said few weeks before: they will not consider COVID 19 is an acceptable reason , when foreigners are stucked in Spain, to avoid tax residencies....
Bienvenue en Espagne!:confused:
COVID-19 impact on Spanish Tax Residence for Individuals: the controversial position adopted by the Spanish Tax Authorities (via Passle)


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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To be clear...
I own sailing boats and power boats as well for more than 40 years and moved my yachts in many differents countries around this small planet.So I know what clearances mean...
What I wanted to say with my broken english, is that this Customs patrol came to visit me, because:
1- we were one of the "most luxurious" ...or may be considered like this... yacht berthed at this pontoon..So more chances to make some money...
2- the only goal was to try opening a file with may be fines because we should have stayed more than 183 aboard our trawler currently underway in Canary Islands
3- the tune of the meeting was not very friendly and confirm what spanish authorities said few weeks before: they will not consider COVID 19 is an acceptable reason , when foreigners are stucked in Spain, to avoid tax residencies....
Bienvenue en Espagne!:confused:
COVID-19 impact on Spanish Tax Residence for Individuals: the controversial position adopted by the Spanish Tax Authorities (via Passle)
Avoiding Residency. Interesting if Spain is going to class all stuck in Spain for more that 183 days because of Covid, as residency for tax purposes. Get out of Spain before 1 July‼️

Balder, if you intend to be in Portugal for more than 90/180 days you will require Portuguese Residency.

Whatever you decide, it will be very interesting to hear how you get on post Brexit.

ps Edited to correct errors.
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Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
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I try not to get involved in Portuguese matter as its well over 10 years since I been there and the last thing I wish to do is confuse people , there enough their are without me sticking my two penny worth in .
But the rule of 90 days staying in one EU country before having to register apply to all European well before we left , so whats going to be interesting is are the Portuguese going to apply the rule to all or just British boats .
say a british flag boat with say Irish passport holders on board as many now have, are they going to be allowed to stay longer then 90 days or told to leave ?


Well-known member
24 May 2012
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I try not to get involved in Portuguese matter as its well over 10 years since I been there and the last thing I wish to do is confuse people , there enough their are without me sticking my two penny worth in .
But the rule of 90 days staying in one EU country before having to register apply to all European well before we left , so whats going to be interesting is are the Portuguese going to apply the rule to all or just British boats .
say a british flag boat with say Irish passport holders on board as many now have, are they going to be allowed to stay longer then 90 days or told to leave ?

Vic, your inputs and wisdom across the EU and beyond are always welcome; even if we don’t always agree.?. Those sitting outside the bowl can often see more than those inside and so bring a fresh perspective.


Life carries on same as before Brexit. Covid has had some impact but we seem to be getting on top of that and the vaccination programme is really well run by the head of the Portuguese Navy.

Despite all of the British Government’s best efforts to screw Portugal, on a personal level, the Portuguese are embarrassingly pro-British.

Example, last Sunday, I had my first jab. It transpired, although a Brit on a boat, I was the first in the Second Phase in Lagos County to get the tap. When I mentioned this to the doctor in charge and suggested that as we could return to the UK to get the jab, possibly they should do the Portuguese folk first, his response was, “In Portugal we look after everybody and we will never forget you our British friends. We joined the EU on the same day, we are your allies the EU.” I left rather moved and suitably humbled.

Returning to your primary question.

How will Portugal play the new situation❓Don’t know. A big indicator will be how they manage arrivals at the airports.

As to boats, I think there is a fair chance, unless embarrassed by idiot questions, I suspect there will be a lot of the Nelsonian Touch - all too difficult so live and let live.
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