Spain Formalities - Clearing in and out...


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5 Feb 2022
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Having managed to get to Spain whilst still in the EU and having missed out Morocco, I don't seem to have ever checked in or out of anywhere and I find I'm lacking a basic understanding of the system.

So, now I find I have an EU boat (Polish), I'm British with Spanish residency, and I sometimes travel with Brits.

If I were to travel from Almeria to Melilla would the Melillan authorities expect me to have cleared out and so back in?
Should I do it anyway?
If I had a plan B that would require diverting to a Moroccan port should I clear out just in case?
Will they let me back in?

Also, can anyone describe the actual process in Spain?


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6 Dec 2012
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Mellila (and Ceuta) is part of Spain, so no, you wouldn't clear out going there from Almerimar as you're staying in the same country.

Normally, if you plan to go there and end up seeking shelter in a Moroccan port due to adverse weather or boat troubles, that should be fine too, although you will have to explain it and it helps if there was an actual problem evident. Make sure you have a Moroccan courtesy flag on board if that's your plan B.

However, Morocco is closed for entry due to Covid and even if you somehow managed to get in, you probably wouldn't be able to go to any other country after that, so best come up with a better Plan B.


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15 Mar 2007
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You are obliged to clear in and out of Morocco. Police, customs and immigration, port captain or marina office. Allow plenty of time.....


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5 Feb 2022
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Interesting thanks. I guess plans B are always about those cases where you don't really have another option and there is nothing else around Melilla. Although I would like to visit Morocco.
My understanding was that they planned to open in February sometime.

Do you just rock up at the capitania to check out in Spain or can the marina offices do it?
Would the chaps in Melilla expect some evidence that I was last in Spain? I tend to anchor everywhere when I go off on a jaunt, and so the last place would be my "home" berth near Alicante. I never bother the people there that I'm going somewhere so there's not much evidence wise. They could take the view that it's a foreign boat full of foreigners and could have come from anywhere couldn't they?

Sorry I probably sound hopelessly naive, but the only place I've been to that isn't in the EU was the Isle of Man, and they weren't big on stamping things at the time.
So I've never actually done the paperwork.


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15 Mar 2007
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In Melilla I only ever had to do marina office paperwork.

There is a Marina in Morocco a bit further on at saidia. It was run by a Brit but don't know if he is still there. I've not been but a good friend reported that its.....interesting.

One place I did go to many, many times is Marina Smir not far south of Ceuta. All clearances done in same building as marina office. Well worth a cab ride down to the souk in tetouhan.

Ceuta is fab.

I always cleared in and out of Morocco but was only ever asked to do normal marina office paperwork arriving anywhere in Spain. Normal clearance entering Gib tho.


Well-known member
19 Nov 2019
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In Melilla I only ever had to do marina office paperwork.

There is a Marina in Morocco a bit further on at saidia. It was run by a Brit but don't know if he is still there. I've not been but a good friend reported that its.....interesting.

One place I did go to many, many times is Marina Smir not far south of Ceuta. All clearances done in same building as marina office. Well worth a cab ride down to the souk in tetouhan.

Ceuta is fab.

I always cleared in and out of Morocco but was only ever asked to do normal marina office paperwork arriving anywhere in Spain. Normal clearance entering Gib tho.
Same here. Gib was interesting the first time a few years ago. Insisted I should do the biz on line before coming in. Said that I had done. Glenn? got arsy, said no record, Then I produced the conputer confirmation!


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15 Jun 2001
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Having managed to get to Spain whilst still in the EU and having missed out Morocco, I don't seem to have ever checked in or out of anywhere and I find I'm lacking a basic understanding of the system.

So, now I find I have an EU boat (Polish), I'm British with Spanish residency, and I sometimes travel with Brits.

If I were to travel from Almeria to Melilla would the Melillan authorities expect me to have cleared out and so back in?
Should I do it anyway?
If I had a plan B that would require diverting to a Moroccan port should I clear out just in case?
Will they let me back in?

Also, can anyone describe the actual process in Spain?
Couple of questions:
1. Are you VAT Paid? - where - and were you in the EU on 31st Dec 2021
2. Polish Flagged - why - whats wrong with UK Flag!

key to what you do is based round Vat status.


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5 Feb 2022
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Yes, VAT and mat. Tax paid.
The boat operates commercially in Spain and to do that it can no longer be UK flagged under 14.5m Loa. It's a pain in the arse, I'm living all that juicy sovereignty though.

It occurs to me that I might have attempted to enter Gibraltar illegally when I last went that way. Fortunately Marina Bay was shut so I left before any officials got interested. I hadn't heard of the web site at all. If anyone knows who runs it then give them a nudge that it's broken. You'll be telling me I should have called up vts next..

If people are making a day trip, say for fuel, to Gibraltar from La Línea and back do they clear out and in for that? Is La Línea a port of entry or can you do the formalities anywhere in Spain?


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15 Apr 2018
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If people are making a day trip, say for fuel, to Gibraltar from La Línea and back do they clear out and in for that? Is La Línea a port of entry or can you do the formalities anywhere in Spain?

We have never cleared in or out of Spain or Gib in the past when going to the fuel berth and I doubt they would require it now, too much paperwork.


Well-known member
15 Mar 2007
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Yes, VAT and mat. Tax paid.
The boat operates commercially in Spain and to do that it can no longer be UK flagged under 14.5m Loa. It's a pain in the arse, I'm living all that juicy sovereignty though.

It occurs to me that I might have attempted to enter Gibraltar illegally when I last went that way. Fortunately Marina Bay was shut so I left before any officials got interested. I hadn't heard of the web site at all. If anyone knows who runs it then give them a nudge that it's broken. You'll be telling me I should have called up vts next..

If people are making a day trip, say for fuel, to Gibraltar from La Línea and back do they clear out and in for that? Is La Línea a port of entry or can you do the formalities anywhere in Spain?
The diesel stations on the dock opposite marina bay are in a secure area with locked doors. You can buy diesel and a range of duty free goods but cannot go ashore from there.

If you dock anywhere and not report your arrival you will eventually be sighted. Not worth the subsequent hassle....


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28 Jul 2016
Milton Keynes - Boat in Croatia
Sorry to hijack thread but can I just confirm there is no clearance required between eu countries? Our UK flagged, vat paid (boat was in Spain Dec 31st) will be moving to Sardinia in May and just want to make sure I'll only need to do marina paperwork on arrival there. Thanks


Well-known member
19 Nov 2019
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Yes, VAT and mat. Tax paid.
The boat operates commercially in Spain and to do that it can no longer be UK flagged under 14.5m Loa. It's a pain in the arse, I'm living all that juicy sovereignty though.

It occurs to me that I might have attempted to enter Gibraltar illegally when I last went that way. Fortunately Marina Bay was shut so I left before any officials got interested. I hadn't heard of the web site at all. If anyone knows who runs it then give them a nudge that it's broken. You'll be telling me I should have called up vts next..

If people are making a day trip, say for fuel, to Gibraltar from La Línea and back do they clear out and in for that? Is La Línea a port of entry or can you do the formalities anywhere in Spain?
Ive seen somewhere info to the effect that you can go to the fuel docks in Gib without checking in. Ciggies etc available DF there..
The big Spanish motor boats are a sight to behold sucking up the tax free fuel, ciggies etc. Nobody gives a s+++t