South of France


31 Aug 2001
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I undersatand a lot of you berth in SOF, what are the nice marinas and any idea on annual berth costs for a 17M x 5M berth? Also what sort of availbilty is there. Any good web pages to search.


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Well-known member
16 May 2001
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Nice marinas are (starting monaco and working west)

Cap d'Ail (but no restaurants/hinterland)
Bealieau / St John
Villefranche (small boats only)
Port Vauban Antibes (centre of the yachting universe)

Now passing Cap d'Antibes still going west......

Gallice (small, but nice and close to JLP. Few berths available)
Golfe Juan
Cannes 2 marinas
La Rague

I missed out some notsonice ones in between, Bai des Anges and St Laurent du var

West of that you get to Frejus, St Raphael, St Maxime, St Trop, Port Grimaud and Cogolin. Apart from St Trop none of these is as nice as the list above, Cogolin is quite moonrakery as someonehereabouts would say. Also none of these is near Nice airport - dont go further west than LaNapoule if you want quick access to Nice airport

Rental berths are rare and security of tenure is low. If you know someone who can rent you one, you will be able to get more certainty of not getting chucked out. Much better to buy. Prices vary, you might fit in a 15mx5 (you are alllowed 10+% over on length but not beam). This would cost £170 in Vauban on a nice mole, bit less ona horrid mole, and £160 in Golfe Juan. Bit less in the others i mention, except Cannes where zero available. Generally next size up from 15 is 20, except laNapoule which has a few 18s

Websites are and You will see prices much lower at Cogolin and St Laurent du Var frexample, reflecting non niceness. Beware contacting any broker - they add big commissions. See if you can source privately. This forum can help when you get some specifics

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Active member
6 Aug 2001
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JFM was thorough

For a full list see this thread , although JFM has it about right...

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Only exception I have to take is to his comments about Antibes - Port Vauban - better known as the only port in France where English is the native language . Well that and Candy Floss and Guinnes pubs ( I'm only joking btw).

If you are serious about renting as opposed to purchasing ,you may find that you don't have a choice of ports.... best bet is to walk into the capitaineries and ask the staff.

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Deleted User YDKXO

If you can find one for rent (which is going to be difficult), a berth of this size is going to cost £9 - 10k pa. As jfm says, better to buy if you can afford it
A good contact is Bart van Heuvel at Ancasta France who seems to have his finger in every berthing pie in the Cote d'Azur
Another way to get a berth is to find a boat which is already moored in a berth and for which you can do a deal for buying the boat and renting or buying the berth.
My impression is that berths get a little easier to find the further west you go so it could be easier to find a berth in Cogolin or Grimaud than Antibes. It will definitely not be a case of choosing the nicest marina and negotiating a berth, it will be a case of taking what you can get, if you're lucky
One further point to bear in mind. The freehold of most if not all marinas in the SoF is owned by the local authority and I understand that the practice of berth owners (that is owner of the leasehold) privately letting berths is to be banned and, as from 1.4.04, any letting has to be done through the Capitannerie

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