south coast seadogs..


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26 Feb 2003
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I am sure if you ask them Ancasta, will lend you a skipper to help get your new boat home or at least to familiar waters.

I am collecting mine from Port Hamble on Friday (it was the one at the London Boat Show) and they are kindly helping me get it back to Poole.

Look forward to meeting you at one of their 'New Boat Weekends'.

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15 Jun 2001
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Welcome to this mad house, Howard. I'll keep a look out for you around Poole. Looks like the new owners of your old boat have been out, not seen them since your introduction, though.

<hr width=100% size=1>Old Chinese proverb 'Man who sail boat into rice field, soon get into paddy'


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5 Mar 2002
Cote d'Azur
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Congrats Howard on the new boat

I saw it at LBS. I think the BMB 29 and 32 are about the best boats around for the money.

Please let us kno whow she handles, I am interested in buying one of these myself.



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26 Feb 2003
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Re: Congrats Howard on the new boat

I will be delighted to comment on the boat and just as important, the service received from Ancatsa. So far they have been very good but I havent got the boat yet!!

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Active member
16 May 2001
Berkshire, Somerset, Hampshire
Your biggest issue... not getting sucked into approaching Dover region in a strengthening NE wind against tide (or for that matter, a building SW wind against tide). Stronger winds are likely and although you can shelter from anying from out of the north for much of the passage, it will start to bite as you approach Dover Strait.

A little contrary to some of the views here I would not worry too much about tide assistance, given the speed of your boat, but plan instead to take wind with tide for as much of the passage as possible. Always worth breaking for a few hours, or taking an overnighter en route at Earstbourne or Brighton, to make this more possible.

My preferred route for an easy passage -- through the main Solent forts (don't worry about the small craft passage through the submarine barrier off Portsmouth -- save that for another time). Then straight across to the Looe Channel. Here's one spot where you want wind with tide.

Then if everything comfortable, a course straight off the east end of Looe Channel to a point reasonably well south of Beachy Head..there's lots of sea room here between the coast and the Traffic Separation Zone well to the south. You can always hang a left en-route for Brighton if you want to stop, or shape a course around the far side of Bechy for Eastbourne but plotting a good offing means you are further away from the busy stuff off the headland if it blows up. It also gives you a bit of space if SW wind...if the rollers get going they tend to push you in towards the headland (Eastbourne is a handy place to go if wind from that direction).

From there to another point a mile or so off Dungeness (there's a firing range on your port side as you approach the headland) and from there to a point about a mile and a half off Dover (to give you sea room to assist keeping clear of ferry movements). Certainly try to hit Dover strait wind with tide.

After that you can run up the inside of the Goodwins to Ramsgate. In a SW this last part will be flat, so a good chance to stretch legs but, as with the whole passage, quite a few fishing markers around. And unlike rest of passage some shallow bits, so care should balance euphoria at this point! Typical fast boat planing speed you are looking around the six hour something mark Solent Ramsgate, although I've done it in less time than that in favourable conditions.

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21 Jun 2001
N Hampshire
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Re: Your biggest issue...

Sounds good advice Kim.

We are taking boat back to upper Thames this year, for a break from boating.
Hoping to do the run from the Solent over the Easter weekend, weather permitting.
Your suggestions are spot on my rough plan.

Anything over F2/3 and I shall be going for wind with tide in preference to travelling with the tide, unless the 2 coincide. (oops another pig flew by!!) Tides are not that significant if you are cruising around 20 kts. Best to treat as a bonus if they happen to be with you.

I am hoping, with a bachelor weekend experienced crew, to do Solent to London in one day, with a fuelling/ rest stop at Dover or Ramsgate.
I gather that lovely chap on the fuelling barge at Ramsgate has shut up shop.
Is fuel readily available there still?

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16 May 2001
By the Sea
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If i'm teaching granny to suck eggs then I'm sorry..

Be grateful for the advice on this board, but for the sake of your own sanity check carefully the weather forecast. Tell the coastguard where you are going and navigate the boat, don't let the GPS and the boat navigate you!

I helped a friend bring a boat back from Shoreham to Chichester some years ago, both of us fresh dayskippers, easy passage along the coast, no bother..yea we new it all.
Lessons learned - that part of the coast is long without landmarks and not much stands out as to where you are. We left with an iffy forecast, (and suffered for it) we put into Littlehampton, bashing the bottom in the way in..We left the boat there until the weather was nice enough to do Selsey Bill.

My point is for all the advice here, do your own passage plan, navigate properly so you don't get into a position where you frighten yourself. Remember all the advice here won't help you out there is anything goes wrong.

Good luck


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16 May 2001
UK -Berks
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Re: Your biggest issue...

<font color=blue>Still sniggering about the crew (Blakey, you and who else?) The fuel concession at Ramsgate was sold to a chummy who tried charging an arm & leg. The Pilots & Fishermen promptly installed their own supply others went to Dover to fuel up. This sent him broke. Ramsgate Harbour Board took over and have cleaned up the whole operation, last price was 32pg non-negotiable. The barge is now at the end of the old commercial dock by the Lifeboat Station.

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Active member
16 May 2001
Berkshire, Somerset, Hampshire
Re: Your biggest issue...


Solent/London no prob. However if you can pick a weekend that allows you to carry the tide up to London and hence to back off the throttle(s) from Sea Reach up no bad idea...despite the so-called no speed limit PLA seem more vigilant than ever on their low wash demand in the relevant N to M. Seen a couple hauled over from vantage point of office in last few days alone and situation was no better even down below Tilbury last I heard.

Hope you get the weather for the run...should be fun.

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16 May 2001
UK -Berks
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Re: Your biggest issue...

<font color=blue>You are soooo right Kim. The Old Bill seem to be bored out of their skulls lately stopping boats for anything. Last time up they actually boarded me, they wanted to know "WHY I WAS GOING SO SLOW" I explained I didn't want to get to St Kats too early.

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Active member
21 Jun 2001
N Hampshire
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Re: Your biggest issue...

Thanks Byron.
Do you know their opening times?

Noted the warnings through London.
Had heard similar.

Seaward and Pitiana, are the others. Plus George of course!

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