Pots, kettles and black come to mind. At least english is still taught in the SCOTTISH educational system.
The good thing about being a scot is that in sport, you have two teams to support. Scotland, and anyone playing against England!
In defence of our cousins North of the border, I feel that some of our supposed compatriots in the South East could well learn a thing or two about pronounciation. Despite the Scottish dialect, at least the vowels are 'clipped' - something which many current residents of certain South Eastern counties would do well to copy .... 'know what I meeeen !'
(This will only interest those of you who find linguistics of interest - no offence meant !)
... they were careful to say "English, Welsh, or Scottish Gaelic".
With recent statements by Scottish MP's that Scotland would welcome more immigrants, could this result in a generation of bilingual Gaelic/Serbo-Croat speakers? The mind boggles.
Scotland is depopulating. If we are not to face a dempgraphic time bomb we need to either encourage more young immigrants to come, or put these long dark winter nights to better use.
On the subject of accent is the Inverness accent not supposed to be the clearest spoken English that there is?
Is Irish Gaelic much different from Scottish Gaelic?
Anyway, the statements were wild discrimination against those of us who are of Cornish descent, with our distinct language. OK, so I can't actually speak a word of Cornish, but that's not the point! Them furriners on the east of theTamar should know their place.
There's far too many "white settlers" here as it is. All those people who sell their pokey wee houses in suburbia for a fortune, and then come up here and buy up farms/ estates here. I wouldn't be so bad if they just kept their mouths shut, and blended in with the communities they infest, but before long, they are running all the local councils, and any other committee they can get into. Sometimes I find it hard to hear a Scottish accent hereabouts.
Personally, I think it is good that Scotland is depopulating. Less people means less crime, polution, over-crowded roads Etc. Etc.
Rant over, Tin helmet on and head WELL down below the parapet !
It was in the news, the other day, that one of the local organisations that is making oodles of money "Teaching English as a Foreign Language" to the thousands of young students who come to Malta from all over Europe is about to open TWO branches in mainland ENGLAND of all places !!!!
I seem to remember some years ago, being told that English Language schools use Irish and Scottish teachers where possible, as they have clearer diction!
tis true that quite a few guesthouses, smal hotels and so on are getting bought up by english types from south of the border. But these should not be seen as infestations. Fact is, lots of these are a lot nicer now, without the surly miserable gits running them. Though i admit that one of the infestations of property owners from a while back is our dear queen,I spose she is more german, really. For a scottish accent, turn on the TV and listen to the Parliament channel, or any news bulletin.
"Personally, I think it is good that Scotland is depopulating."
All very well for you Jim, you are retired already. I have to worry who is going to be keeping the Scottish economy going in 30 years time when I want to be supported in my dottage. If you want to hear a scottish accent near you, why not drop into Cairbulg, near Fraserburgh for an ice cream? I doubt that there are many white settlers there as they would simply not be able to communicate with the natives who must have the most impenetrable accent in Scotland.
Ref. HM The Queen (GBH). I would suggest that she is at least 50% Scottish through that grand Lady her Mother. True the other 50% may be mostly German. As an Englishman of course you can have no quibble with that as all the "English" Monarchs have been French, Welch, Scots or Dutch/German. Starting with Norman Willie in 1066!
Ah but they haven't specified Scots.. which is Burns speak as demonstrated by our export south (Jimi) and our own still native Claymore and various others..
Scots and Gaelic are not the same thing at all..
Gaelic is what is spoken by Highlanders (i.e. North of Pitlochry (Scottish equivalent of North of Watford)
Never mind the dialect spoken by JimIrvine which would be mostly viking.. so it looks like the only peeps in Scotland that will pass are those that speak Gaelic.. /forums/images/icons/laugh.gif which is going to cause some raised eyebrows in Holyrood..... oh and if you don't know what Holyrood is I suggest you haven't a clue about the British thing either/forums/images/icons/laugh.gif
Brian Boru the high king of Ireland who defeated the Danes in 1014 is also on her family tree.
However it didn't begin with Willie 1066. It is a permanent process which has gone on for ever. Did you know that (at least) 17 Queen's of England were born French?
used to call my northen compatriots on the oil production platform, jocks, they called me taff or if they were really going for it, sheep shagger!!
had the misfortune to call a call centre which happened to be in jockland, the wee lass on the other end who sounded as if she had got out of bed the wrong side, took exception to me referring to the female inhabitants of jock land as jockettes
can you imagine?
fact is that france should be ours! Oh yes. Reparation after Agincourt included hand of british queen for HenryV and the french crown when the incumbent dies. But then blimmin H5 died a bit early - and the sodding french welched (frenched?on the deal. I think that in true french style it should be renegotiated, and we will settle for a thin strip of france extending 10 metres either side of the autoroute to the south, plus 1 mile inland from st tropez to the italain border. Sybarite can have ONE arrondissment and ONE port of his choice. Which seems very fair, really.