Some seals in South Africa are testing positive for rabies.


Well-known member
4 May 2007
Cambridge, UK
I totally agree. I don't know why people regurgitate the trope that the wildlife is out to get us. It simply isn't true (biting invertebrates excepted). Mammals will generally avoid conflict and will only attack you if they feel cornered (so can't escape the perceived threat) or think you're a threat to their young.
As you say, it generally isn't true - wildlife will mostly avoid us. BUT! If animals don't have an avenue to retreat, then the fight side of "fight or flight" responses kicks in. Get between a seal and the sea and that cuts down it's options. Get between a seal cow and it's pup or a bull and its harem, and you're asking for trouble. Some species are also naturally more aggressive than others; fur seals are particularly likely to attack without provocation.