Some restrictions lifted in Italy


Well-known member
6 Dec 2012
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Just went for a walk and it's a different world here. Several boats have launched, so at least the Oceanica yard is back in action (they were working on commercial boats before, but not yachts) and must've had a busy morning. Anglers on the breakwater, the local marine engineer is back, boat owners from town on their boats, people milling about, etc.

Not many facemasks in sight. Some dangling from pockets. Had to avoid at least one handshake. We'll start finding out in about two weeks if the second wave stays manageable or not.

Also nice that the weather has calmed down on the same day!


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
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Let's muddle the waters a bit more ...
This is from Catania IT ....
So you can practice all disciplines on two wheels again. But also tennis, padel, table tennis or skating, windsurfing, surfing and other similar sports. Green light also for "underwater fishing, freediving, diving and swimming in open water, provided that they are practiced in the site closest to your home". As required by the ordinance of the President of the Region, yes also to canoeing, rowing and sailing, horseback riding, golf and of course athletics, but also to sport fishing: all disciplines that can be practiced "provided that in compliance with the interpersonal safety distance and the relative rules to contain the contagion ". The circular of the Health Department also specifies that in private clubs and sports facilities, the legal representatives must enforce all measures regarding sanitation,


Well-known member
29 Jun 2004
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Let's muddle the waters a bit more ...
This is from Catania IT ....
So you can practice all disciplines on two wheels again. But also tennis, padel, table tennis or skating, windsurfing, surfing and other similar sports. Green light also for "underwater fishing, freediving, diving and swimming in open water, provided that they are practiced in the site closest to your home". As required by the ordinance of the President of the Region, yes also to canoeing, rowing and sailing, horseback riding, golf and of course athletics, but also to sport fishing: all disciplines that can be practiced "provided that in compliance with the interpersonal safety distance and the relative rules to contain the contagion ". The circular of the Health Department also specifies that in private clubs and sports facilities, the legal representatives must enforce all measures regarding sanitation,
We are now semi free to sail in Turkey ?


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26 Jan 2004
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After bugging our marina to chase up a reply to my email from the local CG .
This is what I received this morning .
Dear Vic,

Actually the ordinance of the Presidend of the Sicilian region says:


Sports activities are permitted individually, i.e. with a escort for minors and non self-sufficient people, including the so-called sport fishing, as long as respecting the interpersonal safety distance e of the rules relating to the containment of contagion.
Sports clubs, clubs and associations are authorized to perform of their activities, as long as in open places. By way of example and not exhaustively, this provision applies to the following disciplines: tennis, cycling,
canoeing, rowing and sailing, horseback riding, athletics and golf. Legal representatives of the aforementioned structures are required to: a) communicate the start of the activities to Department of Prevention of the Provincial Healthcare Authority responsible for territory; b) declare to be in a position to guarantee sanitization periodical of changing rooms and common areas; c) self-certify the existence of the requirements for compliance with the precautionary rules according to the circular to come issued by the Regional Health Department within 24 from the date of entry into force of this ordinance.

So, the ordinance refers only to sport activities and, just to be sure, I called again the Coast Guard in Licata which said that sailing outside is allowed, as long as you return to the marina, respecting the distances and using masks, but it's not yet allowed to move to other places.
Should you need other help, please let us know.
Kind regards


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11 Mar 2002
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I called again the Coast Guard in Licata which said that sailing outside is allowed, as long as you return to the marina, respecting the distances and using masks, but it's not yet allowed to move to other places.
This seems to me as a Sicilian exception, at the moment.
AFAIK, cruising for pleasure is still not allowed anywhere in Italy, as a general rule.
With limited exceptions, like fishing.
General sailing (even if still only within Regions) is expected to be liberalized soon, anyhow.


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11 Mar 2002
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Here in Friuli Venezia Giulia we are now allowed to sail but only alone or with family members with whom you lived in lockdown.
Interesting. Don't you "need" any specific reason, like fishing and/or moving the boat to a yard for maintenance?
I assume you must come back to the same marina, anyhow?


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
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Interesting. Don't you "need" any specific reason, like fishing and/or moving the boat to a yard for maintenance?
I assume you must come back to the same marina, anyhow?
We do have to return back to the same marina , what yet is if we can anchor out over night and return the next day, or if we cN anchor out a time all , but the local CG here in Licata has confirm we can sail and as longneck as we don't leave the area of around Licata there won't be a problem . as we dealing with local authorities

To take this one stage further our friends who live in Siracusa had the same respond from the CG there the other day .


Well-known member
23 Aug 2002
Friuli Venezia Giulia
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Interesting. Don't you "need" any specific reason, like fishing and/or moving the boat to a yard for maintenance?
I assume you must come back to the same marina, anyhow?
Oddly, we are allowed to sail but not to anchor and go for a dip or eat on board... It sounds like one of those convoluted ways of saying 'you can take your boat out for training or 'sport' but not for a lazy day by the sea. i.e. you should be using your boat for sailing (or fishing, or testing systems), not for as a substitute cottage by the beach (and who are we to complain?). But anyway, as of next Monday, that's all out of the window and we can do what we like (while following rules regarding masks etc etc). Presumably we cannot yet sail elsewhere, although I know that Croatia is opening up.


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26 Jan 2004
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Don't start me off, bloody rules they need to be clear so we can all understand them .
After my last posting .
Basically if you a member of a sailing club or organisation and the sailing trip is organised by them you can go for a sail and return back to the same harbour .
Type of a regatta or racing.
I spend a good hour arguing the rules with the port Authority captain and the top guy of the CG here in Licata .
My argument was as I am a memeber of a uk sailing club I should be ok for day sail , so it seen not ,
although the rules don't state Italian club it does state organisae by them.
As I wrote else where a French yacht went out on Sunday only to be told by the CG to go back in 30 mins later .


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26 Jan 2004
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We will see if us cruisers are included in this .

The Italian government is still finalizing the rules that will come into force after the current restrictions expire on Sunday, May 17th.

According to a draft of the new measures published in Italian media on Friday, crossing from one region of Italy to another will remain tightly limited until June 2nd – but from June 3rd, travel will only be restricted if an area is considered a high risk for coronavirus infections.
Meanwhile restrictions on travel within the same region will be dropped from Monday, May 18th,
And while currently you can only leave your own town for urgent or essential reasons, from Monday you'll be able to visit friends, stay at your second home, go to the beach or take a holiday within your own region – unless the regional authorities there decide otherwise.


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26 Jan 2004
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DECREE-LAW n. 33 of May 16, 2020.

Further urgent measures to deal with the epidemiological emergency from COVID-19.

Art. 1. (Measures to contain the spread of COVID-19)

As from 18 May 2020, all restrictive measures for internal circulation cease to have effect of the regional territory referred to in articles 2 and 3 of the decree-law 25 March 2020, n. 19, and such measures can be adopted or reiterated, pursuant to the same articles 2 and 3, only with reference to specific areas of the territory itself affected by particular aggravation of the epidemiological situation.

Until 2 June 2020, travel by public and private means of transport is prohibited in a region other than the one in which you are currently located, except for proven work needs, of absolute urgency or for health reasons; in any case, the return to one's home, home or residence is allowed.

From 3 June 2020, interregional travel can only be limited by measures adopted pursuant to article 2 of decree-law no. 19 of 2020, in relation to specific areas of the national territory, according to principles of adequacy and proportionality to the epidemiological risk actually present in these areas.

4. Until 2 June 2020, travel to and from abroad is forbidden, with public and private means of transport, except for proven work needs, of absolute urgency or for health reasons or in other cases identified with measures adopted pursuant to article 2 of decree-law no. 19 of 2020; in any case, the return to one's home, home or residence is allowed. As of June 3, 2020, travel from and abroad can only be limited with measures adopted pursuant to article 2 of the decree-law n. 19 of 2020, also in relation to specific States and territories, according to principles of adequacy and proportionality to the epidemiological risk and in compliance with the constraints deriving from the European Union regulations and international obligations.

8. It is forbidden to gather people in public places or open to the public. Events, demonstrations and shows of any nature with the presence of the public, including those of a cultural, recreational, sporting and fair nature, as well as any convention or congress activity, in a public place or open to the public, take place, where deemed necessary possible on the basis of the trend of epidemiological data, in the manner established with the measures adopted pursuant to article 2 of decree-law no. 19 of 2020.
In any case and given the new provisions, before leaving it will be necessary to hear the opinion of the Coast Guard and evaluate the restrictions of the country of destination.
Starting from Monday, therefore, there won't be no more limitations to move within the region where you live, you will not even need the self-certification form.
To move freely on the national territory and to leave the region you will have to wait for June 3, even if the freedom of movement may be limited in areas with a high risk of contagion.
Also starting from 3 June, borders will be reopened to all arrivals from the European Union and the Schengen area without the need for any quarantine.


Well-known member
6 Dec 2012
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As before, the regional government of Sicily released their own modified rules a few days later. The whole set can be found at

Noteworthy is the requirement to carry facemasks with you at all times, even when just walking the road, and wearing them "where close proximity cannot be avoided". It also says the ban on travel to other regions is in force until the end of the decree on June 7, which differs from the central government date of June 3.

Trying to translate Italian legal writing makes me dizzy. Full decree here (36 pages):

Now wait for the town mayor's announcement overriding some of the above rules! o_O

No wonder the locals mostly ignore the rules - it'd be a full-time job trying to keep up with them!


Well-known member
11 Mar 2002
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Having lived in Sicily for a year, I would say its more of an observation.
That's precisely what a sweeping generalization is all about.
Having a limited experience of something, and extend it to a much larger extent.
You could have said as well that rules are guide lines in Europe, by the same token.
And why not in the whole planet Earth?


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
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Talking for Sicily Licata , the people have been very well behaved , I believe most have obeyed the rules ,
Until the last rules on the 8th since then it's been like nothing had happen , free for all