So what is on your Winter task list - here's mine ...


30 Mar 2011
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Yes a Jabsco parmax 3 at 25psi cut out. Quite a price increase since last year .

If you decide to do the KIS route like me ,and omitt the control. Have something in place to remind you to turn on the small 12volt pump before you change the flap over too th Bobil heater. I forgot on one occasion. Turned on heater ,switched over to water heating, descended the lader to do some antifouling preparation, a few minutes later ....POP steam exiting my locker.I really thought ide damaged my heat exchanger on the Bobil..Luckily it had just split one of the rubber tubes that connect the Bobil to my 15 mm push fit.see pic
Replaced like for like as its a good failsafe. Cleaned my bilge aswell.
thanks! yes, I was thinking about that as I didn't really understand the logic of the relays - it indicates you set it up so the circulation pump switches off once the water gets up to temperature. But if that happens and the flap value is still switched to the exchanger it's going to boil in there...?

I'm thinking of having a relay that controls a motorised actuator for the flap so it automatically switches over to the air heating duct once the water is up to temperature - based on a car central locking kit... (if all goes to plan!) I'll be sure to share my experiences.

Maybe we need a separate thread for this actually!