So quiet in the Aegean or maybe not


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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We been in the Aegean now for several weeks and it's been pretty quiet , the most we anchor with is five boats mostly it's been us with one or two more .
On the harbour quay there been a few more .
Last night as we rounded the head land to anchor under the temple at Sounion ,
we where face with 50 plus boats I counted 63 as it got dark , one charter cat played the bang bang Music till 01.00 at which point I pointed a light at then and no sooner two other set off their horns , needless to say they got the drift. And turned it down .
Although the signing went on , I guess it's only to be expected being so close to Athens and all the charter bases .
For tho who like plenty or room to anchor , this isn't the place for you .


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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There was a few private boats but most where charters , I can understand people are on holiday and want to have fun , but Christ playing music that make boats vibrate isnt on , especially when it's that bang bang stuff , god i started to sound like my dad , god rest his sole ,
Other charters seen to agree as they too where heard to shout , shut the F up .
Any way we on our own again to night , so far anyway .


Well-known member
7 Jun 2001
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Last night as we rounded the head land to anchor under the temple at Sounion ,
we where face with 50 plus boats I counted 63 as it got dark , one charter cat played the bang bang Music till 01.00 at which point I pointed a light at then and no sooner two other set off their horns , needless to say they got the drift. And turned it down .
Although the signing went on , I guess it's only to be expected being so close to Athens and all the charter bases .
For tho who like plenty or room to anchor , this isn't the place for you .
I was in Sounion Bay exactly a month ago, and as well as being the most crowded anchorage I've visited this year, guess what, the tacky-placky cat with the boom-boom music was already there. Plus the guys aboard noisily asserting their right to anchor 5 metres in front of another yacht until he was forced to move on.

Charterers. God help us.
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Well-known member
22 Feb 2009
Greece briefly then Scotland for rest of summer
Thanks for the warning Vic, years since I've anchored there but headed in that direction in next few weeks. I don't remember it being that great anyway but will probably give it a miss.

It's been very quiet coming South into the Aegean and not too many boats in popular places, only us in one or two quiet spots. Now in Porto Kheli so all change from here onwards. Only here to shop and find somewhere to do laundry at a reasonable price.


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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Thanks for the warning Vic, years since I've anchored there but headed in that direction in next few weeks. I don't remember it being that great anyway but will probably give it a miss.

It's been very quiet coming South into the Aegean and not too many boats in popular places, only us in one or two quiet spots. Now in Porto Kheli so all change from here onwards. Only here to shop and find somewhere to do laundry at a reasonable price.

Yea read your laundry posting , can't help Mike Christine does most things by hand , until we find a cheap laundry then all goes in for a good wash , although there been many a time that a hand wash has been better then a paid machine wash.
these days are biggest thing is sheets and they go into a large bucket one at a time .
We now in one of the biggest charter areas in Greece being near Athens so I guess quiet anchorages are going to get. Less and less .
Charters Cat have made it worst , they pile people in , who seen to want to party all night long then sleep till 10.00 ,
If you are going over to talk to them you have to be very careful how you do it , by which time they had a few drink if not other things and it can easily get nasty .
maybe best if we move closer to them early morning and turn up the opera music .
Has anyone got a CD we can copy.
By the way Paros , Sefios, Kythnos, Syros,Tinos, Andros. Where all quiet ,
Last night we spend in Fokaia just a few miles from Sounion on the Main land and we was alone again other then one boat . Music from the land wasn't bad but we was anchored right out well away .


Well-known member
22 Feb 2009
Greece briefly then Scotland for rest of summer
Thanks, big items and lack of watermaker are main problem with hand washing. Managing so far but laundry would be great.

A friend suffered from nearby loud music from shore a few years ago. Only him in the bay and it finally stopped around 06:00. He decided 1812 and Ride of the Valkyries would be a nice change. Patched through his loudhailer around 07:00. :D:D
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Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
Northern Europe
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Me in the dinghy with my guitar parked by their boat sing " don't cry for me Argentina" have done the trick in the pass ,
it also manage to clear off other boats too.
And I not joking .


Well-known member
31 Dec 2007
UK, sometimes Greece and Spain
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Me in the dinghy with my guitar parked by their boat sing " don't cry for me Argentina" have done the trick in the pass ,
it also manage to clear off other boats too.
And I not joking .

... and I've no doubt it pleases Chrissie too (that you're not playing on board) ;)

I'm certainly pleased Vic's in the Aegean:D