Slob reefing


New member
21 Dec 2002
I have managed to fit a fairly basic slab reefing system (the roller furling gear on the dinosaur-era boom having packed up).

But one thing that puzzles me about all those neat little diagrams you see about single line reefing from the cockpit etc is what is supposed to happen to the sail on the mast when you reef are the sail slugs supposed to remove themselves from the track as you haul down the reefing point?

Do you just leave the gate open and hope they fall out? Or is the bottom end of the mainsail luff not attached to the mast in a slab-reefed mainsail?

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New member
15 Jun 2004
Queensland, Australia
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Hi Bob,

I've fitted single line reefing to a number of boats, and found the following:
1. Most mast makers seem to cut a slot too high above the gooseneck - several times I've had to make SS plates to cover slot to allow slides / slugs to go down further.
2. Most sail makers arrange the slide/slug attachment and luff reefing grommets/rings such that the slides/slugs are okay when the reef pulled down - if not it's a trip to the sailmaker.
3. If points 1 and 2 are addressed, the reefing grommet/ring can be pulled all the way down to the boom and leave the slides/slugs in situ - ie the distance from the reefing grommet/ring to the next down slide/slug (call it X) is equal to or greater than the distance from gooseneck to slide/slug X in the reefed position.
4. If you can't achieve 3, then you can use a lacing technique as follows:
- raise sail and remove attachments for all lower slides/slugs (I'll call them slides for now)
- take a pice of braided line and tie to lowest slide
- pass line thru corresponding grommet, and back thru slide
- go up to next slide, and pass line thru slide, thru corresdonding grommet, and back thru slide
- repeat for each slide
- at last slide, tie line to slide so that it's snug at full hoist.
Note - if you are addressing multiple reefs, tie line off at each slide below a reefing grommet/ring.

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Well-known member
28 Jul 2003
West Australia
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I would think you have to leave the gate open to allow slugs to escape or use snail killer and get rid of them altogether. That is remove the slugs from the luff on the bottom section that is to be reefed and see if the sail appears satisfactory without slugs when fully raised. Or throw all the slugs away and use the bolt rope in the mast track if it is that kind of track however you may need a guide to assist getting the bolt rope in when raising the sail. regards will

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