Siracusa fines...


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24 Jun 2007
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it would be a lot easier if the people having been fined could indicate the type/number of article violation is indicated in the paper leaflet the authorities left them. Without mention of a specific article, the fine would be void.

I've gone back to the person the quote in the first post came from to try and find out which regulation is given.

I'd observe that the coordinates Roberto quoted are in the SE corner of the bay. Thats S of the entrance and not a popular anchorage mainly because its a long way from town. The area shown in Annexe 4 has, in the past, been used by bigger boats - 20M plus, most yachts anchoring to the N and outside of that area. There has been a lot of work done to shore facilities over the last couple of years and it may be that the berthing spaces for cruise ships have changed, away from the town quay. That might well have changed access corridors that the CG require keeping clear - but theres nothing obvious in the harbour regs Roberto posted that shows a recent change.

I know I'm looking for rationality where there may be none, doesnt stop us from trying tho :)
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17 Mar 2006
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....Quick translation: all leisure boats wishing to anchor in the area indicated by the Annex 4 (a big area in the middle of the bay), must contact before arrival the Port Captain on VHF channel 16 to ask for the relevant authorisation.
During the 12 hours following their arrival, they must also file a written report of their arrival to the Port Captain as per Annex 5 [crew list, see link]

Annex 4 (area)

This suggests that, if you don't plan to anchor in Area 4, you dont need to ask permission, nor file a crew list. I recall anchoring to the North of Area 4, much closer to the North Shore near Piazza Marconi, where there were a few jettys/pontoons for dinghys, and a rickety plank and ladder to get ashore, (IIRC in Sept 2007).

But the thrust of the OP was that all yachts were being fined, (unless I've missed something), which would suggest that there is another regulation, or the authorities are taking advantage of the ignorance of skippers, and the fact that they are unlikely to argue the toss with an official approach?


Well-known member
20 Jul 2001
This suggests that, if you don't plan to anchor in Area 4, you dont need to ask permission, nor file a crew list. I recall anchoring to the North of Area 4, much closer to the North Shore near Piazza Marconi, where there were a few jettys/pontoons for dinghys, and a rickety plank and ladder to get ashore, (IIRC in Sept 2007).

But the thrust of the OP was that all yachts were being fined, (unless I've missed something), which would suggest that there is another regulation, or the authorities are taking advantage of the ignorance of skippers, and the fact that they are unlikely to argue the toss with an official approach?

I suspect the anchoring area shown in the chartlet of the Annex is the only one where the boats are officially allowed to anchor (except the quays): so either you ask for permission and anchor in that area, or you may be fined a) for not having asked permission or b)for anchoring outside the approved area.

I'll have a look again just to be sure :)


The regulations indicate these two areas (see link) where anchoring is allowed for *ships*
the area indicated for leisure boats corresponds to "zona B", the fact *might* indicate that it is the only allowed anchoring place for yachts.

Another article related to leisure boats, Article 18 states various other things:
1. In case of bad weather from 3rd 4th quadrants, any yacht moored to the quays is *obliged* ot leave it and obliged to anchor in the Annex 4 area.
2. Article 18 also refers to Article 5, which among other things says (point 2, letter a) ; that while in the port area, vessels must not impede the safe transit and manouvering of other units during port operations --> this seems enough to allow the CG to fine anyone whom they think are impeding in any ways the port operations.

Simply trying to read the rules, not commenting of the whats and whys of the Capitaneria :(
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2 Jun 2009
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The regulations are obviously complex and not easily available. In the circumstances I think that ignorance should be some excuse and that the coast guard should ask those infringing the rules to move on, only fining repeat offenders. It's as though a town imposed parking restrictions with no markings on the roads and only a tiny notice posted in the town hall and then fined everyone.
Is the wider point of providing information fairly and only fining where really justified something that the CA could take up? This does seem to be an issue in Italy, there was a similar problem in Arbatax last year.


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5 Apr 2015
There's a pretty good write up on Noonsite regarding anchoring restrictions in the Med. (here..... which is where this may have originated from. Note there is even a specific paragraph about southern Italy!!

I've sailed a lot of the Adriatic and Italian coast (east and west) and have only once been asked to re-anchor for anchoring too close (but have not been fined) in Croatia, but it seems as has already been mentioned that this sort of thing is only enforced on a very random ad-hoc basis.

There's is often no or very little logic to how enforcement is prescribed in southern Italy and as has already been mentioned it is often determined by the flag on the back of the boat (and how much you argue!!)


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
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I understand tho the grape vine there been a letter of complaint send to the CG. And CA have been told , I think the rest of them on here maybe interested in it ,
if someone kind enough like to in lighten them .

Tony Cross

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14 Jan 2013
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I understand tho the grape vine there been a letter of complaint send to the CG. And CA have been told , I think the rest of them on here maybe interested in it ,
if someone kind enough like to in lighten them .

It was a CA member who complained in person and in writing to the Italian Guardia Costiera . His letter has been posted on the CA members only website and I don't feel comfortable making content from that private forum public. If the member concerned chooses to post it on here that's a different matter of course. :)

FWIW it contained nothing new except for a phone number for the Siracusa coastguard, it's +39 093 148 1011. The CA member did call this number and got an immediate response. The coastguard also told him that you can call "Siracusa Harbourmaster" if you prefer.


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
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It was a CA member who complained in person and in writing to the Italian Guardia Costiera . His letter has been posted on the CA members only website and I don't feel comfortable making content from that private forum public. If the member concerned chooses to post it on here that's a different matter of course. :)

FWIW it contained nothing new except for a phone number for the Siracusa coastguard, it's +39 093 148 1011. The CA member did call this number and got an immediate response. The coastguard also told him that you can call "Siracusa Harbourmaster" if you prefer.
Thanks for that Tony , I do understand where you coming from , I know the context but I leave it to other to report if they want ,
I have to say tho am a bit disappointed that another yachtmen who probably got the info from other on here in the first place ,, couldn't be bothered to let other know what he found out , so to help others .
One has to wonder where all the commarodo gone .
Thanks you for passing on the telephone number , I was just about do
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Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
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I like to make an suggestion to anyone who is concern about the fines .
Most of us now have video on iPads , camera ,phone ,video yourself making the VHF call make sure you show the channel number , and then if you should be approached you have prove that you tryed to call them , that should be enough not to be fined


New member
28 Apr 2011
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Good idea on videoing yourself calling the harbourmaster Vic :encouragement:
As far as the yachtie who contacted the CA, unless I'm mistaken and got the wrong guy, I don't think he's on YBW. I'll introduce you in person next winter :)


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
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Good idea on videoing yourself calling the harbourmaster Vic :encouragement:
As far as the yachtie who contacted the CA, unless I'm mistaken and got the wrong guy, I don't think he's on YBW. I'll introduce you in person next winter :)

Samantha thanks for the gas bottle , I let you have it back when we see you , we well on the way to Croatia , some very good strong winds you could say we are flying pancakes . :)
Don't worry about it Samantha , luck for us we have enough contact to know what's going on and I for one alway happy to pass on good info to others .
And the dig I make wasn't just to him but to other who know very well there lots of sailor out there worried about the fines. And couldn't or would update people .
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New member
6 Jan 2009
Sorry for resurrecting an old thread but I thought an update was prudent:

We came into Syracusa last night, tried calling on channel 9 as per the pilot book etc but got no response, despite hearing the harbour control conversing on that channel! I telephoned harbour control, got an immediate answer, requested permission to enter and anchor in area B which was granted with no issue. Today we walked along the town quay and chatted to a yacht owner there. The standard is 5 days free on the quay, no water or electricity but make sure you contact harbour authorities before approaching the quay or there may be fines.


1 Mar 2014
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Just to add to the latest update, we have just spent a few days on the quay. It's tricky to get permission from the harbour master, some people have simply contacted by radio (channel 16) and been allocated a space, but we found that we were continually told there was no space and to radio again tomorrow even though there was obviously plenty of spaces. Also, we were instructed to pay 10€ every day for refuse collection, we politely refused to pay and explained that the harbour master had not informed us of any such charge. A few hours later the refuse collectors returned with an official from the guardia costiera and in no uncertain terms made it clear we had to pay up. I explained that we didn't have any rubbish to give them but was told it is compulsory regardless. I suggested it was a little unfair considering the size of our boat and the lack of rubbish and we agreed a sum of 5€ instead. The whole thing seems somewhat fishey to me, we are anchored in the harbour now and I will pop in and see the harbour master tomorrow for conformation. I shall report back.



New member
6 Jan 2009
We came back in again this evening, called the Port Authorities on channel 16, they answered, took all our details and seemed to be completing a form. We were told to make sure that we contact them again on 16 when we leave.


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
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Just to add to the latest update, we have just spent a few days on the quay. It's tricky to get permission from the harbour master, some people have simply contacted by radio (channel 16) and been allocated a space, but we found that we were continually told there was no space and to radio again tomorrow even though there was obviously plenty of spaces. Also, we were instructed to pay 10€ every day for refuse collection, we politely refused to pay and explained that the harbour master had not informed us of any such charge. A few hours later the refuse collectors returned with an official from the guardia costiera and in no uncertain terms made it clear we had to pay up. I explained that we didn't have any rubbish to give them but was told it is compulsory regardless. I suggested it was a little unfair considering the size of our boat and the lack of rubbish and we agreed a sum of 5€ instead. The whole thing seems somewhat fishey to me, we are anchored in the harbour now and I will pop in and see the harbour master tomorrow for conformation. I shall report back.

This is a first I be interested in what the harbour master say , await your next posting .


Well-known member
22 Feb 2009
Greece briefly then Scotland for rest of summer
I downloaded forms from links in an earlier post (#18, I think). It was a while ago but I do remember the daily refuse charge and being strictly forbidden to dispose of refuse on the quay. I also downloaded a form to be completed and handed to harbour authorities within 24 hours of arrival.

I haven't looked at the documents for ages but will dig them out before we arrive tomorrow.

Didn't spot Norna's latest change in direction. We are anchored at Catania and surprised to hear your are ahead of us again. :D
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Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
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This is from us who used the harbour countless times over the last 20 years , four times last year and three times this year alone .
We have never had a problem , at anchor or on the old or new quay , other then the last few time when we tryed contacting them of VHF recording the call and not received any reply , we always just sail in .
We always anchored in the same place in the north corner of the bay , just west of the new works going on .
Each time we been approach the first morn by the CG for details , then left alone , they have away been friendly , if we happen to be on the quay , the police would turn up in the morning asking for passport and details then again we be left alone . Since Ragusa shot up the harbour must be used by hundreds of yachts each season and other then one yacht that we know of by a reliable source has been fine , the reason we understand was because he anchored in the way of a cruise ship , and self him right , its this type of crap that spoil it for the rest of us .
I still fining it hard to believe that 15 boats in one day got fined , for one very good reason . News like this would has spread like wild fire from lots of different places including the sailing club in sircusa but others then just one person there nothing else said .
We be returning to sircusa soon and we won't be doing any thing different then we done in years gone by .
By at the same time I plain to keep a eye open in what people reporting here , so keep it up guys .


Well-known member
26 Jan 2004
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Arrived Siracusa to day , no problems , CG as always very help full ,
on the new quay as reported before by others , you can stay for five days free .
But you have to let the CG know you wanted to go on there and they will tell you what berth to use .
Reporting in couldn't be easier .