Sinking catamaran due to dinghy painter


Well-known member
20 Nov 2011
Sydney, Australia.
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It will depend on the fit out of the catamaran (some people don't have a weight fetish) but Grainger, a. respected, multihull designer in Oz, Sailing Catamarans, Trimarans and Power Cats. Plans for Kit Construction did a calculation on a Lightwave, our Josepheline was the design he 'tested', and filled with water the yacht would float slightly stern down. The design is solid glass below the water line and foam above. The bows are completely sealed for just under 2.0m, each transom, under parts of the cabin soles and the mini keels are a series of, 7 or 9 don't recall, sealed compartments.

Now if you hole the bows, transoms and keels on rock as result of some other mishap you will remove some of the buoyancy. But hole one hull on a container ..... you- would be really unlucky to simultaneously also hole the other hull and all the water tight compartments.
