Sessa Oyster 35



Has anybody any experience of the Sessa Oyster 35?

We're considering buying one for the Med.

Any owners out there? Would it be better to go for a Sealine/Fairline etc?



I think these look pretty good. I'm not sure if there are so many people around here that there are a load of sessa oyster owners. But there are a number of fairlinies (me incl) so have a look at (say) fairline 37 targa, or older 36(same but smaller swim platform).

I'd compare a) the dealer and thier backup b) of course whether you like the boat v price... altho since all have volvos, it's not a huge issue most cosmetic c) 2nd hand value of which I wd say probly the fairline does better but prob (strong pound) more expensve in the first place.

Wherever you buy from, make sure you have a g'teed place to put it, near to where you buy it, or buy dead cheap.

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