Security in the Mediterranean

Roaring Girl

New member
16 Jul 2009
On the boat. But sadly right now she's in Malta w
Returning to the actual question

We've cruised the Med for several years and have had no security problems. We have rescued empty boats dragging at anchor but (fortunately, so far) have not needed that particular help. We have been known to leave the boat open to make the most of cooling breezes, and have not experienced any losses.

There are certain places where there is a real risk of dinghy theft (Gibraltar, Gelves) from anchored boats, usually at night. We deal with that by always hauling our dinghy up on the davits at night. We do lock our tiny outboard on to the dinghy if going shopping, but have only rarely actually locked our dinghy to the quay (e.g. at Syracuse in Sicily, as we saw other cruisers had done it). Generally we don't bother.

Before Morocco we installed chains across each hatch - they would not deter an experienced and determined break in but would stop opportunists. In fact Morocco was very safe and all quay-activity heavily scrutinised so we felt very safe.

We have (cross fingers) not had cockroaches, but when leaving the boat for long periods we leave boracic acid down in skimmed milk. We have had a moth infestation for which we 'bombed' the boat with a killer. Very strange experience which worked. Thirdly we famously had a rat, picked up in Sardinia and finally eradicated in Olbia. The story is on our blog. Carry big rat traps!

Undoubtedly all security problems we have faced have happened on land, and could have happened to anyone being a bit street foolish - mobile phone stolen on a commuter train in England, pickpockets in London, a robbery with knives in Barcelona in 1984 ... We have experienced legalised theft by overcharging engineers holding us to ransom, but I don't think that's the topic of this thread.

BTW - yes people anchor closer in the Med than UK sailors are used to, and we provide a stereotype of entertainment by getting upset about it. The French, in our opinion, if intending to sleep on the hook, are savvy anchorers, often finding charming and weather-protected hidey holes that rule-bound northern europeans overlook.

So a good locking system on hatches will help your peace of mind, but you do not need (or want) to sleep with all hatches closed. A chain for your outboard is a good move. A way to haul your dinghy up is good - friends without davits, use a spare halyard and keep it alongside the deck at night.

It is MUCH more important to invest in really good ground tackle.


21 Jul 2012
Circumnavigating from Texas
French, now Texans

That fuss they make over that defeat at that mission in San Antonio seems odd. And making a big deal about there having been Six Flags Over Texas seems odd too, it'd be like if Poland bragged about how often they've been invaded.

Bless your heart, you can continue your insults all you want, in fact I enjoy your comments...they make me smile.

I understand you much better than you understand me, Texans, or Texas.

This thread was about Security and has drifted to impugning the character of other nationalities, first the French, now Texans and Polish. I had a real belly-laugh when one of you called the French a race. If they were a race, there are lots of racists here.

I am new here. I assume that this is normal on HMYBW?

I searched yesterday for the "un-join button," but did not find it. I will stick around a little longer, but do have my doubts.



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22 Sep 2008
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Hi Bill & Judy,

Do not let the the low lifes that are on this site bother you. It is normally a very good and informative site to browse and comment on. We have provided and received good advice on this site.

Fair winds



New member
21 May 2011
Greece & UK
Bless your heart, you can continue your insults all you want, in fact I enjoy your comments...they make me smile.

I understand you much better than you understand me, Texans, or Texas.

This thread was about Security and has drifted to impugning the character of other nationalities, first the French, now Texans and Polish. I had a real belly-laugh when one of you called the French a race. If they were a race, there are lots of racists here.

I am new here. I assume that this is normal on HMYBW?

I searched yesterday for the "un-join button," but did not find it. I will stick around a little longer, but do have my doubts.


Bill, Welcome! Yes, this is pretty much par for the course, especially in The Lounge. It's not that common on the Liveaboard forum though.

Do stick with us here, it is mostly fun and often useful. :)


23 Nov 2010
Valencia, Spain
Hi BeBe,

" I had a real belly-laugh when one of you called the French a race."

Dictionary definition of race:

any*people*united*by*common*history,*language,*cultural traits,*etc.

It really does not usually get this personal on this forum:D

Mr Cassandra

Well-known member
5 Nov 2001
Eastern Med ish
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Hi Bill & Judy,

Do not let the the low lifes that are on this site bother you. It is normally a very good and informative site to browse and comment on. We have provided and received good advice on this site.

Fair winds


Bit rich that, coming from the likes of you .

Read the thread.It was an interesting thread up to post 25 Your new found friend started this with his little Texan insults in his 9th post and our prejudices ,You should explain to him this is what the forums about.
We know, after being in Greece for close on 20 years who not to trust when they are tied up next to us, in my case, I have had little trouble with the French, however I am careful with Italians and English boat Gypsies.

All my innocent little digs were to let him know that I knew he was being insulting . Note, I also added a smiley.

"Then he`s no better than he should be" "Bless your heart" "He probably a Kicker". Does not appear insulting to you and me. But it is if you are from The Lone star state.

As for BE BE welcome and keep posting .Bless your heart!
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Mr Cassandra

Well-known member
5 Nov 2001
Eastern Med ish
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Bless your heart, you can continue your insults all you want, in fact I enjoy your comments...they make me smile.

I understand you much better than you understand me, Texans, or Texas.

This thread was about Security and has drifted to impugning the character of other nationalities, first the French, now Texans and Polish. I had a real belly-laugh when one of you called the French a race. If they were a race, there are lots of racists here.

I am new here. I assume that this is normal on HMYBW?

I searched yesterday for the "un-join button," but did not find it. I will stick around a little longer, but do have my doubts.


Sorry BE BE

You should know that Texas Bashing is a national phenomenon to which Texans take extreme umbrage. Texans have no way of seeing themselves the way the rest of the country, or world sees them. To a Texan bragging about Texas seems a perfectly natural thing to do.
From early grade school ,Texans are propagandized with a theme summarized by the phrase 'Texas Proud'. To a non-Texan, particularly a Yankee, and most particularly a West Coaster, Texas Pride can seem a bit delusional as the world sees it. Very few Texans seem to understand that it is their 'Texas Pride' which provokes most of the Texas Bashing.

I used to live in Houston.And when I worked in the oil industry in Scotland had many Texans friends and partly understand the Texan seamingly overbearing attitude .

Anyway after you have posted a few more time you will be allowed into the Lounge where you can insult and say Nealy anything you want. I think you will be made Very welcome .Please dont UN -join :)

If you are heading west from Turkey we will probably meet up for a beer. Please dont take it to heart.
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Scott Free

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26 Jun 2012
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Thank you all for your replies although some went of the question a little:confused:
I will post some political questions next time and see where it leads:D
Thanks folks.


Well-known member
20 Jul 2001
French thieves, Italian thieves... do thieves have a nationality ?
One can imagine nations full of thieves :D

OTOH, I can understand French cruisers are suspects, as in an average anchorage there are often about ten times more French boats than of any other flag :)

have sailors a nationality ? :D

ps hi Mac! say hello to Lynne !


New member
26 Oct 2006
mostly where I am now......
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Best advice is avoid Barcelona,,,,Lyon,,and places simular, if you must or want to visit go by train,
petty theft and boat robbery is the norme in most international cities and marinas nearby,

break in·s are rare but increasing due to lack of protection ie, alarms or local vigilance, police are not intersted in most areas so they take too long to respond, due to not wanting to complete lots of paperwork, their job is to protect the state, not the general public from each other, cameras are instaled but they are rarely watched, fishing rods,water hoses, swim suits,bikes and other items left exterior are easy pickings,

some areas have started english style neighbourhood watch ,this does work,,,

be carefull, be aware,