keep on deck if you can and look at horizon
keep busy ( most important)
if you think about sickness you will be sick
keep positive
if you take pills take them at least 24 hrs before you set foot on the boat.
drink ginger tea
avoid orange juice it is horrible on the way up.
keep hydrated.
Come on brain.get this over and i can go back to killing you with beer
Thats funny - those bands are the only things that have ever worked for my crew(wife) Best thing we ever bought. And I understand they are now being recommended for pregnant women - safe, no pills to take etc. Not that my wife is pregnant you understand. At least I don't think so. Hang on, I'll go and check.
I was sick to the point of being sent to my bunk on my first trip in the Merchant Navy ( 50,000 tons still moves around in the tail of a hurricane) but gradually over the years have become hardened. Keep eating and drinking is the key for me, once you start to reach up the yellow/green bile, you have become useless to youself and others.
A few years ago you could buy Scopoderm direct from USA suppliers. You could buy them across the counter in USA pharmacies. Try a Google search, it brings up loads of them.
Scopoderm patches were the best option for most of us (7) on a 300 mile trip into the wind this summer. Two who had not put them on before the trip were 'cured' within a couple of hours of feeling sick. One person just couldn't go below at all and I only started to feel queezy after locking myself into a dark confined space for about 15 minutes.
Oh great. Three of them feeling sick up top while david_e is running around testing how good the patches are and giving them full reports, I bet. "Well, I'm okay for fifteen minutes in a dark confined space, and even 30 minutes of carefully stirring a pan of simmering minestrone soup in a F4, BUT if I go into the heads within 2minutes of someone else having a dump and sit on the bog eating a tepid ham and pea pot noodle, then i feel iffy after less than ninety seconds! "
I guess you have to experiment - what works for one doesnt necessarily work for all.
My wife swears by the bands - I swear at them.
Stugeron works for some - makes others snooze and snore - and can cause a really bad reaction in those prone to ulcers.
The patches work for most - but they are prescription only.
Amongst the best (but very tricky to source in UK) are hyoscine/scopalamine. This is the active ingredient in the scopoderm patches. They are freely available in US. It is also the active ingredient in childrens Joyrides which work well (even for adults).
All the normal advice about fresh air, activity and horizons are important as well. I have never ever been sick running my own boat - but I can feel fragile on other peoples in the wrong circumstances. (Like bobing around to watch the start of the Route du Rhum this weekend in the forecast F5/7)
The very second you feel the acid/salty feeling in your throat, which will then in itself make you sick, take a fruity indigestion tablet. It will break down the acids in the bile and put them back where they shoud be, down not up!
<BUT if I go into the heads within 2minutes of someone else having a dump and sit on the bog eating a tepid ham and pea pot noodle, then i feel iffy after less than ninety seconds! " >
Sounds more like a break in a Motorway cafe, all the trucker swill be after Scopoderm if this is the case.