Sealine Factory Visit


Well-known member
1 Apr 2007
Yesterday I was lucky to be asked to visit the factory especially as im not a Sealine owner.

We arrived under our on steam from here in the East Midlands, a coach was laid on for the southcoast owners, we met around 10.30 am to arrive and be greeted by the Sealine team at the factory, new safety boots, name badges and safety specs, along with as much tea and coffee to drink as we liked.

We all sat down to a presentation from the team, informing us of all thats new and upcoming from Sealine in the very near future, we were then split into 3 groups and led around the factory to view all the models in build, very interesting I can tell you.

The factory was clean and light, a pleasure im sure to work in and very hitech.

I must admit I have never been much of a fan, mainly down to my views on build quality in past years, im sure now the new evolution of hulls and build tech will eradicate the past flaws I have seen over the years.

What I do like about Sealine is the range at the lower end of the market, they are continuing to build sub 30ft, with 2 new models on the cards which will im sure will keep us buying boats built in the uk, where you might buy this size boat from the states and France in order to buy a new sub 30ft boat.

We then hit the Chequers pub for a lunch mid afternoon.
Id like to than Mark, Geraint, and the Sealine Ladies for a great day, it may be that Mrsvolvopaul gets her way sooner than she thinks!


19 Sep 2002
Visit site
A convert :)

... speaking as someone that might be in the market for a newer sub-30ft boat in the next few years or so.