Scuttlebutt cruise to Cherbourg weather


Well-known member
9 Jan 2011
Gillingham(Dorset) Boat Weymuff
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Yes, he showed us both a clean pair of heels, but talk about zooming past! I managed to put some waves between us when the wind picked up, but when it dropped again you did the zooming! Did you have your engine on? :D

Sort of. Well yes actually. But we only have one mast :p
I just couldn't get the sails to set right and I was keen to get into Poole in daylight especially after my near miss with Aunt Betty on Thursday night.
I stayed on a pontoon on the Quay overnight to give me a chance to sort the boat out.

I also think it was possible I was still over the drink drive limit :eek::eek::eek:

My camera's not that good. But here's one of you lot. Don't expect it'll win many prizes though.
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