Sailing yacht insurance - solo sailing terms

Gary Fox

31 Oct 2020
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Going through Coleman I'm currently covered for 24 hours (plus more if circumstances turn against me during a passage). But they're curiously reluctant to even let me see the terms of a policy they say they can offer that extends this.
Probably because the extended cover would oblige underwriters to cobble together a level of cover and offer a contract, and to do that costs time and money.
Never assume that insurance underwriters or middlemen, agents or brokers know the slightest thing about ships and the sea. Most of the time they don't know what they're talking about.

For example: Barrie Sullivan is a respected yachtsman in his own right. However, I asked Y about cover for an Atlantic circuit.
The answer came back, that my yacht's engine would need to be surveyed by a professional engineer before such a long trip..(at the time I was rock dodging in Brittany, off season, when you really need a reliable engine, which didn't bother them..)
My engine's condition is relatively trivial for visiting the States as she can motor a couple of 100 miles before running dry :)