Sailing Photography


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9 Jan 2006
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This is extremely outdated advice. Nobody sensible uses manual mode these days.
Depends on what you're doing. If you ever look at a broadcast type video camera, it still has only manual controls. Focus, Iris, Overall and individual R, G and B gains to set the white point, black level offsets etc. etc.
anyone know what happened to him?

I was a fan...
Probably lynched by Studland anchorers as his show on R4 was one of the first to suggest carbon sequestration.


Well-known member
14 Feb 2007
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I've always been rubbish with a camera. I am a gifted and talented wordsmith as many of you will testify but cameras are not my forte.
I once did a photoshop course and after 2 days I had managed to draw a moustache onto the image we had been given to experiment with.
I think my downfall or at least my lack of success with the camera is that I don't really have much in the way of artistic vision - its the same with drawing for me.
I do a fair bit of hill walking and take some fabulous shots only to find that 10 yards further on there is a much better view waiting.
Enough - stick to scribbling notes!
I suppose it depends on whether you are someone who is visually aware or not. I see many people like you, if I am to believe that you are as bad as you claim. Their photos are based entirely on their interest in the subject. There is nothing necessarily wrong with this and many people take lovely photos of their family for example, which is a perfectly good use of the camera, whatever the professionals may sometimes imply. I started with a box camera when I was 13 and still have the original contact-print album. It is very obvious that even my first pictures are driven by their composition, so I think that my interest in composition is innate rather than learned.

I hope that you go on taking your camera with you (or sketch book!) if only to provide something for the book that I have no doubt you are going to publish.

Daydream believer

Well-known member
6 Oct 2012
Southminster, essex
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I take photos as a photographic record of where I have been & things I have seen. They do not have to be perfect in regards to their artistic content, but perfect in the memory I gain from their recording.
I regularly scroll through my photos on my computer, just to think back on things I have done & seen. Rarely do i say- that should have a better light distribution etc. However, sometimes they do look good- to me- & that is why I want a decent camera, with a decent long range lens. That way I can let the camera do the work. After all, it is what I am paying for.


Well-known member
14 Feb 2007
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I take photos as a photographic record of where I have been & things I have seen. They do not have to be perfect in regards to their artistic content, but perfect in the memory I gain from their recording.
I regularly scroll through my photos on my computer, just to think back on things I have done & seen. Rarely do i say- that should have a better light distribution etc. However, sometimes they do look good- to me- & that is why I want a decent camera, with a decent long range lens. That way I can let the camera do the work. After all, it is what I am paying for.
I have no problem with that. It’s your camera, and taking diary or record shots describes what I do pretty well too. Whether you are concerned about the technical or artistic quality is also entirely up to you. I think that in general it is a pity that with so many people it is a pity that they don’t give their pictures some care, especially if they want others to look at them. At least I can say that it is a long time since I have had to look through an interminable show of slides of indifferent quality, ill-sorted, mostly dirty, and with every thirteenth one upside-down.

Daydream believer

Well-known member
6 Oct 2012
Southminster, essex
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I have no problem with that. It’s your camera, and taking diary or record shots describes what I do pretty well too. Whether you are concerned about the technical or artistic quality is also entirely up to you. I think that in general it is a pity that with so many people it is a pity that they don’t give their pictures some care, especially if they want others to look at them. At least I can say that it is a long time since I have had to look through an interminable show of slides of indifferent quality, ill-sorted, mostly dirty, and with every thirteenth one upside-down.
I do not ask others to look at my photos. they are my private record. the only reason I might show one is for some technical point I wish to explain